Brother Philippe (Chusuke) OZAWA


Birth : November 07, 1942
At : Aizu Takada (Japan)
Novitiate : March 10, 1973
à Tokyo (Japan).
Perpetual Profession : May 13, 1979.

Bro Philippe OZAWA passed away at Showa Hospital in Tokyo on Sunday, June 24, 2018, at the age of 75, of which 45 in the religious life.

Saint-Francis-Xavier District


1975  Shizuoka                             Teacher
1981  Yokohama                           Student and Teacher
1983 Pointe-du-Lac                     Student
1984 Rome                                    Second Novitiate
1985 Pointe-du-Lac                     Student
1987 Tokyo                                    Teacher
2005 Tokyo                                   Assistant Director
2011 Tokyo Community              Retired