Youth Formative Centres and Houses of Formation for Brothers in the world

130 youths are in formation


Dapaong, Togo, Noviciate for the Brothers of Ivory Coast, Benin, Senegal, Togo, Congo DRC.



Dapaong, Togo, Noviciate for the Brothers of Ivory Coast, Benin, Senegal, Togo, Congo DRC.


5 + Photo Lieux de formation B+ Ouganda

Kasasa, Uganda, Noviciate and Scholasticate.


Manille, Philippines, scolasticat.

Manila, Philippines, Scholasticate.


5 + Photo Lieux de formation D+ Scolasticat Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire

Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Scholasticate.



To Become a Brother

To become a Brother | Listening to the call | You have 8 new messages | Some stages | Youth Formative Centres and Houses of Formation for Brothers in the world | 10 questions | Contacts with the Brothers and communities