YOUNG ONE, YOU ARE CALLED, TOO. Figures of Brothers animate the Week of the Pioneers in Haiti

To challenge young people through Pioneer figures! This is the goal of this week of Pioneers organised in the St Louis de Gonzague Province of Haiti. Men who scored and who still score.

Let the call of Christ to follow him more closely “Remember your elders, they who have made the word of God heard and, considering the outcome of their career, imitate their faith.” This is the invitation addressed to you, dear young men, dear Mennaisians!

Let the call of the Christ to follow him closer, find echo in your heart! With confidence in the Providence which never deceives, let yourselves be called out by the example of life of these 5 Brothers and following them, do not fear of giving your life to the Lord! The 5 Brothers whose route of life is presented in schools and educational works are: Bros Real Dion, Gabriel Franck, Serge Larose, André Nicolas, Bruno Laroche.


Their testimony and their example stay and remain a call.

Let us pray, so that by making memory of  these pioneers Brothers’ life, who made the Word of God heard, that by considering the outcome of their life, children and young people may imitate their faith and commit themselves following Christ trustfully!