25 young Brothers, including 20 from Africa (Togo, Uganda, Kenya, Congo and Rwanda), 3 from Haiti and 2 from Indonesia have just spent a month at Castelgandolfo in a formation session to prepare themselves for their perpetual profession.

Pilgrimage in Rome on the steps of the first martyrs of the Church
It allowed them to take time to re-read and deepen their life as Brothers in all its dimensions: spiritual, community, apostolic …
A rich time of international fraternity. Five other Brothers formed the formation team, Brothers Jean-Paul Peuzé and Vincent Ssekaté members of the General Council, and Brothers Hervé Asse, Eric Mugisa from Casa Generalizia and Bro. Rony Pierre d’Haïti, future student in Rome!
The session was also marked by the visit of Bro Hervé Zamor, new Superior general.

Pilgrimage at Assisi

With young people in summer activities at Castelgandolfo: here match Italy – rest of the world!
These four weeks of Mennaisian formation were enriched by a 3-day retreat near Castelgandolfo, and by 3 days of pilgrimage: Rome, Assisi, Subiaco and Nettuno. These days in the footsteps of the first Martyrs of the Church, St. Francis, St. Benedict and Maria Goretti have marked each of the participants and have given them the thirst to offer their lives till the end.

Fraternal atmosphere on the occasion of the birthday of Bro. Ghislain Kombi from Congo