You have 8 new messages

“When you ask yourself the question to become a Brother, think that it is a grace, a chance which is given to you, as a small flame that God puts in your heart to look for His will. Considering that He has the initiative, believe that He will certainly help you to give your answer. ” Bro. Blasius, Indonesia



“I am a young man just like you and I am happy to be a Brother. To dedicate my life to the Lord is the best choice that I was able to make until now. ”
Bro. Frantz, Haiti


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“I would not know how to give you a satisfactory answer, but I can tell you one thing: dare to make the first step! This is the way you will discover every day the Brother’s life and how beautiful it is to be a Brother and to have Brothers. ”
Scholasticate Abidjan


“Do you want to be also a collaborator or a missionary of Jesus Christ? Well, open yourself to God’s love for people. He will fill you up with the measure of your heart. Dear friends, He is waving at you! Be attentive to his voice because He has something to entrust to you for our times.”
Bro. Vilson, Haïti


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“Trust the Lord and abandon yourself to him. Consider him as your unique model. Love also the prayer, the Church and the Mother of your Saviour. ”
Bro. Augustin, Ivory Coast


“Religious life is still relevant to our times, it is essential to the life of the Church. The way of living it has to be renewed in every generation. The sites where young people can invest are many. New needs appear, new calls are heard. It is the youth’s grace to make something new, to invent. In the field of education, there are many possibilities. ”
Bro. Alain, Tahiti


“Take heart! To be a Brother is beautiful, it is a present from God and God is never left out of generosity. Today, the world, the young people, especially the most vulnerable, needs young people who testify of the joy of life for God and for the others. God needs them as instruments of his mercy. Courage! ”
Bro. Carlos, Chile


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To Become a Brother

To become a Brother | Listening to the call | You have 8 new messages | Some stages | Youth Formative Centres and Houses of Formation for Brothers in the world | 10 questions | Contacts with the Brothers and communities