YEAR ST JOSEPH. The General Council invites young people, lay people and Brothers to celebrate vespers and calls musicians for compositions. Happy Birthday to the 19 Schools of the Network La Mennais, called St-Joseph!

“To Saint Joseph : an invitation this year to imitate his virtues and his zeal”

« On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church”, Bro Hervé Zamor, Superior general said, “ Pope Francis has just published the Apostolic letter “Patris Corde” about the figure of the foster father of Jesus.

It is within the framework of this anniversary that the Pope proposes to the whole Church the year of “Saint Joseph” (December 8th, 2020 – December 8th, 2021).

The aim ? “To increase our love for this great saint, to be encouraged to implore his intercession and to imitate his virtues and his zeal”

To respond to this invitation from the Church, the General Council proposes to celebrate, every first Wednesday of the month, as part of the prayer triduum for vocations, Vespers in honour of Saint Joseph.

At this time of Community prayer, young people and lay people of the Mennaisian Family can be invited.

In this regard, a monthly leaflet will be sent to you in three different versions: word, pdf, smartphone / tablet. It will be available to the Brother Provincial or the Brother Visitor.

For each month, a theme will be taken from the Apostolic Letter “Patris Corde” and an invitation to pray for vocations in a given sector of the Congregation are proposed.

DateThemeProvince / District
6 January 2021Joseph, A beloved fatherSaint Francis Xavier District
3 February 2021Joseph, A tender and loving fatherSaint John-Baptist Province
3 March 2021Joseph, An obedient fatherOur Lady of the Pilar Province
7 April 2021Joseph, An accepting fatherSaint Teresa of the C. Jesus Province
5 May 2021Joseph, A working fatherSaint Michael Archangel Province
2 June 2021Joseph, A creatively courageous fatherSaint John-Paul II District
7 July 2021Joseph, A father in the shadowsSaint Paul District
4 August 2021Joseph, An accepting fatherJean de la Mennais Province
1 September 2021Joseph, An obedient fatherDivina Providence District
6 October 2021Joseph, A creatively courageous fatherSt. Aloysius de Gonzaga Province
3 November 2021Joseph, A father in the shadowsSaint Peter Chanel District
1 December 2021Joseph, Guardian of JesusDelegation of Italy

A call to musicians for compositions

“Within the framework of the “Saint Joseph” the year,  Bro Hervé Zamor said, “I invite the musicians (Brothers and Laity) of the Mennaisian Family to read the Apostolic Letter “Patris Corde” and to be inspired by it in order to compose hymns which can help us to better internalize the above-mentioned themes. I sincerely hope that our talents and creativity will serve this year to increase our love for the Husband of Mary, the Humble carpenter of Nazareth, the Foster Father of Jesus.

May we live our fatherhood like Joseph did !

In every exercise of our fatherhood, we should always keep in mind that it has nothing to do with possession, but is rather a ‘sign’ pointing to a greater fatherhood.”

Happy Feast day to the 19 schools of the International La Mennais Network that have St Joseph as their Patron Saint, as well as St Joseph House of Pointe-du-Lac, Québec – Canada.

St Joseph School of Cap-Haïtien

2 in Haïti 

St Joseph School of  Cap Haïtien and St Joseph School of Pétionville

2 in Spain 

Colegio San José Nanclares de la Oca et Colegio San José Reinosa

San José Secondary School of Reinosa, Spain

 14 in France 

St Joseph-Ste Marie School – Ergué-Gabéric ; St Joseph School– St-Jacut-les-Pins ;   St Joseph-Ste Croix School – Retiers ; St Joseph Secondary School – Bain de Bretagne ;  St Joseph Secondary School – Cancale ; St Joseph Secondary School – Derval ; St Joseph Secondary School – Grand-Champ ; St Joseph Secondary School – Herbignac ; St Joseph Secondary School -La Guerche-de -Bretagne ; Le Cleu-St Joseph Secondary School – Redon ; St Joseph Secondary School – Savenay ; St Joseph Secondary School – Landerneau ; St Joseph Secondary School  – Loudéac ; Peyramale-St Joseph Secondary School – Lourdes

St- Joseph Secondary School of Loudéac – France. Here the team of the cinema section.

At Saint Joseph Secondary Schoold of Herbignac – France – two photos above – the new building replaced the old building which included the cinema and the rehearsal rooms of the Saint Cyr Association. It is made of a large permanent room, a meeting room and School life Offices on the ground floor while the Artistic center occupies the first floor. A music room, a rehearsal room and a plastic arts room allow students of all levels to enjoy pleasant spaces and adapted facilities.

Statue of Saint Joseph at St Joseph Secondary School in Lourdes

1 at the Marquises Islands

St Joseph School – Taiohae,  Marquises

Saint Joseph School , Taiohae, Marquises Islands

Greetings to the Community of St Joseph House of Pointe-du-lac, Québec, Canada

Statue of Saint Joseph at Pointe-du-Lac, Québec


Prayer to Saint Joseph for the vocations

Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,

Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To you God entrusted his Son ;

With you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too

show yourself a father

and guide us in the path of life.

Obtain for us generous vocations

of Brothers and of Lay Mennaisians

so that the children and youth may continue to know and love better Jesus Christ.



Statue of St Joseph at the Hermitage of St Joseph in Cesson-St-Brieuc – France where lives the Community of the Elder Sisters of the Daughters of Providence.