WORK AT THE MOTHERHOUSE. The New Reception Center in Ploërmel focuses on Family Spirit and Depth

“Peace to this House and to all those who will come there! » Father Ivan Brient, Vicar General and Brother Yannick Houssay, Provincial France-England, in the presence of more than 130 people, Inaugurated and Blessed on Saturday March 16th ,2024 the Reception Center of the Mother House, opened in 1995 and which has just undergone a Total Renovation. Joy of Reopening after a year and a half of Construction, which began in November 2022 and which will be completed by Summer. Guided Tour

General view of the New Reception Center today.

The Construction of the Reception Area several months ago.

The Construction Site last year with the Redevelopment of the spaces transformed into Rooms since.

“We love the Mother House for the Solidity of its Foundations and its depth.” The focus is on the 200th Anniversary of the Mother House, starting Next September.

Father Ivan Brient, Vicar General: “The House is built on Rock”.

Before Blessing the New Premises and those present, Fr. Ivan Brient read the Gospel of Matthew inviting people to build their House on the Rock: “The rain fell, the torrents rushed down, the winds blew and fell on this House; the House did not collapse, because it was founded on Rock.”

An Art of living together here and in the World

Intentions shared with all.

Brother Yannick Houssay, Provincial, underlined for his part how much this House will be a Source for the Multiple Mennaisian Realities in France – Schools and Tutelle, Estival and Assific Associations, Fraternities, Associates… – but more broadly for the Entire Congregation.

Brother Yannick Houssay, Provincial. “Our Educational Mission continues, Brothers and Lay people together based on the desire of the Founder.”

“We want to develop here an Art of living together, like a family. The New Layout of this House, he underlined, means that the Brothers are not alone in pursuing the Mission here and throughout the World, many lay people are committed alongside them and this Family House wants to breathe New Life into personal and collective Commitments.

Adapted Equipment

With the creation of a Reception Area at the Entrance to the Building, the New Configuration of 29 Rooms for a Total of 37 Beds, the arrangement of 5 Modular Meeting Rooms and the creation of a New Car Park: these are so many New Features for the Mother House Reception Center which has just been organized in the Form of an Association.

Funding for the Work, still in progress, is provided by the St Jean-Baptiste Province thanks to the sale of several Houses in France and England. Companies, Brothers in responsibility – Brother Laurent Bouillet, Treasurer, Brother Pierrick Busson, Director of the Mother House, Pierre-Jean Bar, Director of the Reception Center, the Community of the Mother House, the Team of Volunteers… were thanked.

From left to right: Pierre-Jean Bar, Director of the Reception Center, Brother Yannick Houssay, Provincial and Father Ivan Brient, Vicar General.

Several Weeks of finishing and fitting out are expected between now and the Summer and many Reservations have been announced.

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