The Congregation honours Mary, the Mother of God, as her special patroness. The Rule of Life therefore invites us to turn to Our Lady.
In this month of May and this time of health crisis with sufferings lived on all the continents, Pope Francis proposes to discover the beauty of the Rosary, at home, in family and in communities, trusting in Mary.
The secret to pray the Rosary? «Simplicity», he explains. “Contemplating together the Face of Christ with the Heart of Mary, our Mother, will make us even more united as a spiritual family and help us to overcome this ordeal.”
The images of the statues of Mary presented here were taken at the community of the Brothers in Nanclares de la Oca, Spain. They were made by Bro Mariano Gutiérrez. It is also an opportunity to bring together the memory of the seven Brothers of the community of Bilbao who died last March.
In communion, Pope Francis proposes a prayer to be said at the end of the Rosary.