VOWS. Br. Marcsondez Desrivières committed himself for life and 3 Brothers made their First Vows in Haiti

The Summer of the Saint Louis de Gonzague Province, Haiti, was very lively! Last Sunday, August 13th 2023, the Province welcomed 3 New Professed and 1 Perpetually Professed.

The Three New Professed Brothers.

For the Temporarily Professed, are Brothers: Daniel MONDESTIN, Ricot MOISE and Jean Joseph SERMEIL and for the Perpetually Professed: Br. Marcsondez DESRIVIÈRES.

Br Marcsondez DESRIVIÈRES made his Perpetual Vows, in the Service of Christ.

The celebration was led by Mgr Quesnel ALPHONSE, Bishop of Fort-Liberté. Note that the Brothers are established in their Diocese in Ouanaminthe where they run the Saint François Xavier Primary and Secondary School, from 1st year at the ‘Terminal’.

On the right, Brother Hervé ZAMOR, Superior General, assisted by Brother Joslyn GONTRAND, Assistant Provincial.

The vows were received by Brother Hervé ZAMOR, Superior General, assisted by Brother Joslyn GONTRAND, Assistant Provincial. The professed were surrounded by Religious men Brothers, and women, members of their families, members of the Mennaisian Family, Student Collaborators and Friends.

The Three Novices welcomed by Bros. Hervé Zamor and Jean Herbinière.

On August 14th 2023, during the Celebration of Vespers, the Brother Superior General welcomed 3 Postulants to the Novitiate: Saindjino Cherenfant, Lucanès Fleurisma and Bensky Jean-Charles.

A Retreat shared by Brothers and Lay People

From July 23rd to 31st 2023, the Brothers of Temporary Vows met at the Juniorate to experience a Week of Fraternization during which they reflected on the theme “Education and Technology: between Assets and Deviances”. This theme was approached from several angles by 3 Speakers.

The Brothers of the Province and the Mennaisian Lay Associates experienced the Annual Retreat together from August 2nd   to 9th 2023. The theme chosen was that proposed for the General Chapter: “Servants of Hope”. It was led by Father Morachel BONHOMME, Provincial Superior of the Salesians in Haiti.

At the end of the Retreat, 7 young Brothers Renewed their Vows. It was also an opportunity for the Participants to highlight the 60 years of Fidelity to the Lord of Brother Bernard Bonraisin.

To be joined in our sufferings

After the Retreat, time for the usual Meetings through Multiple Formation Meetings: Formation of Community Superiors and Brothers of Perpetual Vows led by the Brother Superior General, Formation in Management and Finances around the Brother Bursar, Educational Formation and Educational Project for all Brothers and Members of the FIC School Network, Pastoral Care in Schools and Vocational Pastoral Care, etc.

Formation à Port-au-Prince.

Formation in Port-au-Prince.

The Formation Group in Jacmel.

From September 4th to 7th 2023, Members of the Provincial Commission of the Mennaisian Family, divided into two Teams, went to the Schools of the FIC Network to form Teaching Staff, Management Staff and Service Staff on Charisma, Mennaisian Spirituality and Child Protection.

Formation in Les Cayes.

For two years, the theme “Witnessing to Hope” and even more of this Chapter Year “Servants of Hope” have joined us deeply in our sufferings and calamities. Hope becomes an essential virtue to recognize the presence of Christ at the Heart of our tribulations.

Bro Géniaud Lauture, Provincial