Here is a text that Brother Walter of Argentina wrote about Hope, in a Magazine for Religious in Argentina.
Reflections from the horizon inspiring the New Generations in motion
“Towards Hope”
This movement invites the New Generations of Religious Life, where Hope is the central axis, to the same challenge as the Women of Dawn who crossed the night. We feel that we live today in a Society where Hope in a Saviour is not of the utmost importance, and for this reason we are called to be Messengers of Christ, our Hope.
We are aware of the need to transmit to the World the Hope of Jesus on the Cross when the suffering of peoples and of the common home demands people who can walk with them and be Prophets of Hope at their side.

Groupor Religious in Argentina
The hope given to us does not separate us from others and does not lead us to discredit or marginalize them. Rather, it is an extraordinary gift that calls us in all humility and simplicity to be mediators for all.
We are signs of Hope at Home, in our Communities, in our Congregations, where we often tend to discourage ourselves because of the dwindling numbers. We Hope when we decide to remain contagious in the Joy of the Gospel and when we continue to give our lives in the service of the Kingdom.
Pope Francis tells us: “Christian hope is solid, that is why it does not disappoint. It never disappoints. Hope does not disappoint! It is not based on what we can do or be or what we can believe. Its foundation, that is, the foundation of Christian Hope, is a sure and faithful Hope because it rests on the love that God himself feels for each one of us.”
We, the New Generations, live a life of solid and strong Hope in the Saviour, imitating our Mother Mary who, at the foot of the Cross, shared the pains and sufferings of her Son and invited us to be ever close to those who suffer.

Religious in Córdoba (Argentina)
We want to live this first movement with Joy and, with our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Love that animates and sustains us, we want to be always Messengers of Hope. St Paul reminds us: “We must live in the joy of hope” (Rom. 12:12), because we know that in all circumstances, even the most vexatious and difficult, even in failure, God’s love will never fail us.
And with a heart filled with His grace and faithfulness, we will live in the Joy of Hope to proclaim to our brothers and sisters through our lives what we receive from Him every day.
Bro Walter Muñoz, Menesiano. CONFAR