From left to right : Bro Jean-Baptiste Ndiaye, Bro Léopold Diouf and Bro Jean-Paul Peuzé.
To offer his Life with the Power of the Holy Spirit, on the Sunday of Joy: what a nice symbol! This reality was lived on Sunday, March 27th 2022, at 10.00 am in the Parish of Our Lady of the Annunciation of Ngascop, Senegal on the occasion of the Perpetual Vows of Brother Léopold DIOUF. The event was presided over by Bishop André GUEYE of Thiès in the presence of Bro Jean Paul PEUZE, 1st Assistant of the Superior General, and Bro Jean Baptiste NDIAYE, Visitor of St-Paul District of West Africa including Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal and Togo. Story by Bro Alexandre DIOP.
The celebration was very prayerful and very lively, with beautiful songs from the Parish Youth Choir. The Readings of the texts of the 4th Sunday of Lent, called the Sunday of Joy, coloured the celebration. Mgr André GUEYE, during the homily, asked that the Brothers may be congratulated for their Apostolic zeal. He reminded the faithful that the Brothers of Christian Instruction of Ploërmel are the first Protagonists of Education in Senegal, with the presence of Schools since 1841.
The vows of Bro Leopold were received by Bro. Jean-Paul Peuzé, 1st Assistant.
Humility and Conversion
The Bishop also urged Brother Léopold DIOUF to remain in Thanksgiving in order to be faithful in his Consecration. He invited him to be a servant ready to proclaim the Gospel to children and young people and not to lose sight of the Education of the heart. This must be his leitmotif, certainly nourished by the witness of life totally given to Christ lived through the Evangelical Counsels.
André GUEYE, Bishop of Thiès with Bro Léopold DIOUF.
« To pronounce the vows is not a Magic Formula, nor a Formality, continued the Bishop, it is a Commitment, an affirmed will that must be renewed and perpetuated every day, despite the weaknesses we bear. And to deal with it, two attitudes are necessary: Humility and Conversion
A Festive Meal was offered to all the Parishioners and Guests who came to support Brother Leopold DIOUF. During the Fraternal Dinner, Artists were also present. Finally, a Traditional «Nguel» was offered. To the sound of the Tam-tam and the Guitar, Specialists of the Dance, sitting down, moved their heads and their feet. Others did not fail to sketch dance steps in the middle of the circle. The Beautiful presentation of the Parish Cheerleaders was exceptional.
We can say that the Celebration of Brother Leopold’s perpetual vows was magnificent. We all trembled with joy, but we also rediscovered the beauty of a life given to the Lord.
May God in his great mercy continue to assist Brother Leopold Diouf and strengthen him further in his vocation as a Brother educator. And may Mary, the first on the way, intercede for him.
God alone in time! God alone in eternity! In everything God alone. Amen!
Bro Alexandre DIOP