VOWS FOR LIFE. Bro Augustin Boudan is definitely committed to the Congregation of the Brothers

From left to right: Bro Jean-Baptiste NDIAYE, Brother Visitor, Bishop Dominique GUIGBILE, Bishop of the Diocese of Dapaong, Bro Augustin Boudan, newly professed and Bro Jean Paul PEUZE, 1st Assistant.

Feast in Dapaong, in the Parish of Ste Monique in Togo, on December 27th ! The entire Congregation, and in particular the District of Saint Paul of West Africa, rejoiced at the definitive commitment of Brother Augustin BOUDAN to our Institute. Echo of this Perpetual Profession by Bro Gilbert Damigou.

«The Almighty did wonders for me; Holy is his name» Lk 1:49. The celebration, rich in liturgical texts, songs and dances, was presided by Bishop Dominique GUIGBILE, Bishop of the Diocese of Dapaong, in the presence of Bro Jean Baptiste NDIAYE, Visitor of the Saint Paul District and Bro Jean Paul PEUZE, 1st Assistant General, who received the vows of our Brother in the name of the Church and the Congregation.

Bro Jean-Paul Peuzé – left – received the vows of Bro Augustin.

The Celebrant, addressing Brother Augustine in his homily, indicated to him that it is providential that his Perpetual vows be celebrated on the feast of the Apostle St John, A great friend and witness of Jesus and that, following his teaching and example, he is not likely to lose himself or be mistaken.

Bro Augustine during the litany of the Saints during the celebration.

He made him know what the Lord expects of him: to live daily the offering of his life to the sacrifice of Christ through Prayer, Meditation on the Word of God, regular reception of the Sacraments, especially the Sacrament of Reconciliation and that of the Eucharist. It is in these Sacraments and Prayers, as well as in these Meditations on the Word of God, that he will draw the energies necessary for a fruitful interior life at the service of the Church, especially with young people and children.

Bishop Dominique warmly thanked the Brothers for their presence and action.

Bishop Dominique took the opportunity to thank the Brothers warmly and to congratulate them, not only for the mission they carry out in the Diocese of Dapaong, but also and above all for the witness of devotion to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which they give in the Christian Communities where they are implanted.

It was with joy and a festive atmosphere that the celebration and the rejoicing continued in the Courtyard of the Parish, at the sound of traditional tams-tams and dances.

Let us continue to carry our Brother Augustine in our prayers and recommend him to the maternal affection of the Virgin Mary, our Mother and Patroness of the Congregation.