UGANDA: Provincial Chapter.

Brothers and Laity present at the Provincial Chapter in Nabinoonya (Uganda)

Between Two General Chapters, Provinces and Districts are invited to experience a Chapter Time in their Sector. The Province of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus (Uganda and South Sudan) has just experienced its Provincial Chapter from January 20th to 24th, 2025.

This Highlight of the Province was followed by a time of Assembly of all the Brothers, on Saturday January 25th, 2025.

Our Provincial Chapter was held with the presence of Brother Assistant General, Brother Jean-Paul PEUZÉ, who represented the Superior General. A Number of Issues concerning Challenges for the Province were addressed, in particular that of Opening New Missions in the Peripheries to reach those who need Our Attention.

Opening Celebration: Symbols brought at the beginning of the Chapter

The chapter also highlighted the Identity of the Brothers in the Common Mission, as we were called to live ever more as a Mennaisian Family for the Instruction of Young People.

From back, Brother Jean-Paul Peuzé, Assistant General and Brother Casio Aïzire, Provincial, during the Assembly that followed the Province Chapter.

The time of the General Assembly which followed the Chapter allowed the Brothers to address some more concrete points of Fraternal Life on a day-to-day basis, to respond like any Religious Family to the Challenges of Today. »

According to the Testimony of Brother Jean-Paul TAMALE

The Experience of the recently completed Chapter of the Province of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus was that of a Contribution and a New Breath to project ourselves as Praying Missionary Pilgrims, animated by the Spirit of Our Founders, and that to embrace Our Fraternal Future as Mennaisians.” (Bro Delefino Muhindo)

In a spirit of Synodality, coupled with common vision and experience, the Brothers of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Province celebrated together the Provincial Chapter,  under the theme, “Servants of hope”. Inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit, the new Rule of Life, the Orientations of the 2024-General Chapter and the Church documents, both Brothers and Lay Mennaisians studied, reflected and discerned the realities of the Province and took appropriate orientations and decisions conducive to its common good and a sustainable future. As Jesus and Mary provided the best wine at the wedding at Cana, we pray this Chapter becomes a source of providence to the people we serve, especially the children and youth.” (Bro Casio, Provincial)




Some Figures:

Today, the Province of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus is the Largest Province of the Congregation with 196 Brothers, including 53 Brothers with Temporary Vows and 6 Novices.

Uganda: 22 Communities – 26 Works – with more than 20,000 Students and 1,800 Teaching and Administrative Staff (Figures of February 2024)

South Sudan: 1 Community – One work – 881 Students and 74 Members of Teaching and Administrative Staff (Figures of February 2024)