TWO BROTHERS COMMIT THEMSELVES FOR LIFE. Brothers Philippe DOUTI, Togolese and Ferdinand SOGLO, Beninese, said «Yes» forever

Brothers Philippe and Ferdinand pronounced their Perpetual vows before Brother Jean Baptiste NDIAYE, Visitor on the right.

“My heart exults, my soul rejoices” Ps 15:9.

On Holy Family of Nazareth Sunday the 27th of December, the District Saint-Paul of West Africa – Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal – was their rejoicing day. Indeed, the two of their Bro  Philippe DOUTI – Togolese – and Ferdinand SOGLO – Beninese –definitively made their final commitmentin the Congregation of Brothers of Christian Instruction at the Notre Dame Parish of the Sacré Cœur of Banikanni, the home Parish of Brother Ferdinand.

Surrounded by all the FIC Brothers of Benin and a few from Togo -because of measures related to COVID 19- by their families, religious men and women, friends, and a fervent Christian Community, Brothers Philippe and Ferdinand pronounced their Perpetual vows before Brother Jean Baptiste NDIAYE, Visitor of the District and Delegate of the Superior General for the occasion.

The Eucharistic celebration was presided by His Excellency Pascal N’KOUE, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Parakou, Benin.

In his homily, the Archbishop invited the whole assembly, and especially the two Professed Brothers, to renouncement, detachment and total sacrifice, following the example of Abraham, Levi and the fishermen of Galilee (Peter, James, John and Andrew) in order to be faithful to the Lord. He insisted, adding that if consecrated persons are not engaged on stripping, renunciation of the goods of this world and vague loves, of their own conveniences, they do not serve God but Mammon.

It was a prayerful celebration, rich especially in songs in different languages, which allowed the participation of all.

Bro Philippe, Bro Jean-Baptiste, Brother Visitor and Bro Ferdinand during perpetual vows.

Throughout the celebration and during the fraternal sharing that followed the Mass, we could read the joy on f our two Brothers Philippe and Ferdinand’s faces

Our prayers accompany them and we recommend them to the maternal affection of the Virgin Mary, our Mother and Patroness of the Congregation.

Bro Gilbert