“Tutti Fratelli” Group
- St. John of God Brothers
- Holy Family Brothers
- Brothers of Christian Instruction (La Mennais)
- Marist Brothers
- Saint Gabriel Brothers
- Brothers of Charity
- Brothers of the Christian Schools
- Christian Brothers
- Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy
- Sacred Heart Brothers
- Comboni Missionaries
Last news : The Generalate of the De La Salle Brothers in Rome has hosted on the afternoon of Saturday 26th of November 2017, the Third Meeting of religious brothers organized by the group Tutti Fratell. A total of 80 Brothers residing in Rome, belonging to 19 Congregations, gathered to live and celebrate brotherhood as one of the most characteristic features of this consecrated way of life.
This year, the theme of the meeting was : Brothers, as Bridge builders.
“We are all Brothers”……….. Each one of us, we are invited, where we are, on any continents, in every sector of the Congregation, we are invited to live these tiemes of fraternal meeting.
Voir site : https://sites.google.com/site/romatuttifratelli/home