The Newly Professed with some Brothers present at the Celebration.

Saturday, August 24th, 2024, on the Feast of the Apostle Saint Bartholomew, seven young people of three different Nationalities took their First Step in Our Institute through their First Religious Profession.

They are Brother Martin ANANDU MATATA (DRC), Brother Emmanuel ANIBOTI ASIASA (DRC), Brother Innocent BUKI LADA (DRC), Brother Élie KUMBOSONO MBIKOKANA (DRC), Brother Élie ASSOGBA SEGBEHIN (Benin), Brother Kévin Datcha MATOUNKOU (Benin) and Brother Laurent KPANGOU KOMBATE (Togo).

Presentation of the Cassock and Crucifix by Brother Joseph BELLANGER, Novice Master

The Eucharistic Celebration took place at the Parish of Saint Paul the Apostle of the Nations of Nassablé in Dapaong (TOGO); it was presided over by Father Pascal DJIBONGUE, Parish Priest of the said Parish, accompanied by a few Priests. During the Celebration were present: a few Brothers of the Congregation, Friends, Relatives and Acquaintances of the future Professed who came to surround the seven Brothers with their affection and pray for them and with them.

After the Homily, Brother Martin, Brother Emmanuel, Brother Élie ASSOGBA, Brother Innocent, Brother Laurent, Brother Élie KUMBOSONO and Brother Kévinfreely expressed in the hands of Brother Jean Baptiste NDIAYE, Visitor of the Saint Paul District of West Africa, the Vows of Obedience, Chastity and Poverty for one (01) year according to the Constitutions of Our Congregation. Brother Jean Baptiste received the Vows expressed by the Brothers in the name of the Church and the Congregation.

Profession of Vows before Brother Jean-Baptiste, Visitor of West Africa

It was in Joy and a Festive Atmosphere that the Celebrations continued after the Mass in the Magnificently restored Multi-Purpose Room of the Collège Saint-Paul.

Our prayers accompany them and we recommend them to the Maternal Affection of the Virgin Mary, Our Mother and Patroness of the Congregation.

The seven (07) New Professed:


2nd row from left to right Bros Elie K, Martin, Kévin

 1st row from left to right Bros Laurent, Elie A, Emmanuel, Innocent

A few days earlier, 7 New young people: one from Haiti, one from Togo, two from Rwanda and three from Congo DRC, entered the Novitiate of Dapaong. We present them all, and their Formators, to Our Prayers.


7 New Novices, for the Novitiate year 2024-2025, in Dapaong (Togo)


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