To become a Brother

 A desire, a call…

1+ Photo Devenir Frère AEvery Brother has his own history … At the beginning he felt attracted by the life in community, the closeness to the young people, the commitment in education, the desire of a life with Christ … He might have felt called through a meeting, an event, a personal experience …

God calls each one of us to a unique and beautiful life. To follow Christ as a Brother, is one of these paths of life and happiness. A vocation to live in community, in the service of children and young people, especially the poorest, in the footsteps of Jean-Marie de la Mennais, our founder.

As in the young Samuel’ story, in the Bible, God speaks to me, calls me by my name. To know how to listen to him: “Speak Lord, your servant listens”; and to recognise the signs of his call.


The time of the meeting and of the reflection

Does a Brother’s life question me or attract me? The first step is to get in touch with a Brother whom I know or who is in my country. Then a meeting to share my experience and my questions, in order to know better the Brothers and to begin to discern.

In several countries the Brothers propose groups of reflection about the vocation, times of meeting “Come and see “, experiences of life in community … A personal accompaniment allows to reread these experiences to see more clearly and to make some first choices.

Numerous young people, everywhere in the world, already set off on this way. They have a message to transmit to you: You have 8 new messages.

1 +Photo Devenir Frère B+ Maldonado, Argentine









Some stages on the way

The commitment in religious life is a way which takes time and that is made in several stages: Postulate, Novitiate, period of temporary vows … At the end of the Novitiate, the one who asks to enter the Congregation pronounces his first vows. Then he will share the Brothers’ life and enter gradually into the mission. After a few years, he will ask to commit himself perpetually in religious life.

To Become a Brother

To become a Brother | Listening to the call | You have 8 new messages | Some stages | Youth Formative Centres and Houses of Formation for Brothers in the world | 10 questions | Contacts with the Brothers and communities