Would you get acquainted with the holy Catechist of the slaves, the 3 Brothers Morin, a Brother who turned into a commercial traveller, the faces of the young Brothers today in Indonesia, Uganda, Haiti, Congo RDC, Rwanda, Togo …
Did you know that the 1st School founded by Father Deshayes was not in Brittany?
The Brothers taught in big cities of France outside Brittany: which ones?
1903 was considered a watershed year about the foundations: why?
290 Brothers were mobilised during the war 1914-1918 and 30 were killed.
In 40 years, from 1921 till 1960, the number of Brothers doubled, passing from 1 068 to 2 182.
- It is the 1st time that such an Album is realised to tell in a single document 200 years of the history of the Brothers. This is made within the framework of one N ° Special of La Mennais Magazine.
Until now publications presented such or such historical sequence or events linked to a country, but a consumer Album for all was missing.
- The choice was to give the priority to narratives, to men, to stories while telling the great Story.
This one is embodied by the adventure of 4 700 Brothers – 7 000 Brothers belonged to the Congregation with those who left it – and 1 000 schools and Educational works founded during 200 years in 37 countries.
- It is an International Album which sticks on the realities of the history, on the unexpected evolutions, on the exceptional circumstances …
- A questioning Album which shows, tells, invites to go farther
- The album was designed in 6 months, from last November to April, 2019.
An international team of 15 collaborators was ready to get down to work with the cooperation of 60 contacts on 5 continents
- It is at the same time an Album Memory, a family album
And a document which accompanies a momentum and a breath which continue actively today:
The International Menaisian Educational Network is present in 26 countries on 5 continents. It federates 200 Schools and educational Centres with the cooperation of 10 000 collaborators among whom 760 Brothers of Christian Instruction at the service of 120 000 young people.
- Contents
- 7 parts mark out the Album
– On the steps of both Founders (1816-1824)
– In the time of Father de La Mennais (1824-1860)
– Strengthening and expansion (1860-1880)
– The shock of the trials (1880-1922)
– A new momentum (1922-1964)
– Between society crisis and opening to the world (1964-2019)
– 200 years of history: new pages to be written
Practically speaking
- The album of the Bicentenary is realised within the framework of one special issue of La Mennais Magazine. It is made of 112 pages and 400 photos.
- It is realised in 3 versions: 1 version in French, 1 version in English and 1 version in Spanish.
- It is directed to families, young people, educational teams and staffs, administrators and decision makers…
It is available in any Secretariat Office of Districts or Provinces