From left to right: the 5 New Perpetually Professed Brothers: Brother James Osogo Gwaoo, Brother Pius Kimathi Muriungi, Brother Hervé Zamor, Superior General, Brother Abel Augustino Kiula Kingu, Brother Paul Joshua Mwiti and Brother Paul Muaka Musau.
On December 21st , 2024, took place at the Moshi Brothers Centre, the Mother House of the KT Brothers, the Ceremony of Perpetual Vows and Silver Jubilee for the Province of Saint-Michel Archange (Kenya-Tanzania).
5 Brothers, 4 from Kenya – Bro. James Osogo Gwaoo, Bro. Pius Kimathi Muriungi Bro. Paul Joshua Mwiti and Bro. Paul Muaka Musau – and one from Tanzania – Bro. Abel Augustino Kiula Kingu, had committed themselves for life as Brothers of Christian Instruction through the Public Declaration of the three Evangelical Councils.

Brothers who celebrated their 25 years of Religious Life; From left to right: Bros. Benedict Odhiambo, Esau Mlengule, Fidelis Kisakeni, Firmin Mkenda, Wilson Mutethia, Eric Mwithiga, Anthony Kamuhanda, James Lusanika – 2 absentees including Br Gaspar Mushi.
10 Brothers, 3 from Kenya and 7 from Tanzania, Renewed their Commitment to serve the Lord as Brothers of Christian Instruction through the Celebration of their 25 years of Dedication as Brothers.
It was the Superior General Brother, Brother Hervé Zamor, who received the Vows of the Brothers, assisted by Brother Vincent Ssekate, his Delegate for the Tanzania-Kenya Sector.

The Perpetually Professed Brothers and their Families around the Bishop.
That Feast Day was preceded by the time of the Annual Retreat, and An Assembly of the Brothers to embrace the future of the Delegation in a Spirit of Faith, Charity and Hope, with the Will to continue serving Christ as Brothers of Christian Instruction, at the Service of Youth and Children.

Prostration during the Litany of the Saints
The Bishop of the Diocese of Moshi, Mgr Ludovic Joseph Minde OSS, honored the Ceremony as the Main Celebrant. In his Sermon to the Brothers, the Bishop exhorted them to be constant in Prayer, to Remain Faithful to the Call Received, to Embrace Community Life and to use Temporal Goods with Discretion. He further Congratulated the Brothers for their Good Work and encouraged them to defend the Charism of the Congregation.

Some Brothers of the Province around the Superior General.
“First of all, we are Grateful to Almighty God and the Institute as a whole for granting us this Important Opportunity of Our Commitment Forever – Brothers Paul, Paul, Pius, James and Abel – as Brothers of Christian Instruction of Ploërmel, in the Province of Saint-Michel Archange. We pray that Our other Confreres, who are about to commit soon, may also continue and succeed…
As the Mennaisian Family, we continue to submit to the Will of God and to Our Mother Mary, whose Inspiration and Intercession had enabled us to say “Yes” to God. Inspired by her example and following in the Footsteps of Jean-Marie de la Mennais and Gabriel Deshayes, we Joyfully embrace Our Vocation.
For God Alone, we dedicate Ourselves to the Mission of Co-creation. May Almighty God strengthen us in this Journey as Pilgrims of Hope, walking the Path of Prayer. Mary, Mother of God, Pray for Us. » (Testimony of Brother Paul Mwiti)
The Celebration continued with the sharing of a Meal, experienced in Joy and Fraternity.
During his stay, Brother Superior General met the 5 Postulants of Moshi:

The Brother Superior General met the 5 Postulants from Moshi.
According to the Testimonies of the 5 New Perpetual Brothers.