TAKE CARE. A special message from Rev. Bro Hervé Zamor, SG, and an invitation to respect, solidarity, fraternity and prayer at the time of the Covid-19 epidemic

«At this time when the whole world is facing coronavirus, how can we remain insensitive to the different cries of those who are suffering and calling for help?» explains Bro Hervé Zamor, Superior General in a Letter to the Mennaisian Family published on 17th March.

«What can we do? What does the Lord ask of us in these difficult times? How can we respond to it? »

«Take care!» this is the invitation of Brother Hervé addressed to the Mennaisian Family.

It proposes 4 elements for this purpose:

to respect instructions, to show solidarity, to live fraternity and to believe in the power of prayer.

This particular intention is entrusted to the intercession of Jean-Marie de la Mennais during this Novena from 18th to 26th March.

To this end, he invites this chain of prayers to continue until the end of the pandemic.

Community prayer at the Casa, in Rome.

«Let us not be afraid to knock! The Lord will answer! »

Read the full message here.