From left to right at the Casa, Rome: Bros. Joseph Bellanger, Hervé Zamor, F. Bernardo, Parish priest of the Parish of San Giuseppe Aurelio, an actor of the construction site and Bro Mario Forino.
Who entered the property of Saint Joseph Institute, Brothers of Christian Instruction, Via Appia Nuova No. 7 at Castel Gandolfo, was welcomed by a beautiful marble statue in honour of the Holy Protector St Joseph with a beautiful Child Jesus in his arms

View of the park of Castel where olive trees and vines were abundant.
The absence of vocations in the Italian District, the arrival of Covid-19, which did not allow any more to receive groups, or to ensure a sufficient economic base to support the many expenses and taxes, forced the sale of all the property.

The statue of St Joseph at the entrance of the property. Then its loading: a delicate operation.

The property has welcomed many groups throughout its history: Juniorists, Christian groups, students from Walsh University USA, and many groups of Brothers to live a year of renewal.
Now everything must be evaluated, sold, or given away! So what to do with the beautiful marble statue of St. Joseph? The Superiors agreed on the proposal to offer it to the Parish of our Generalate : Parish of San Giuseppe Aurelio.
The new Parish priest, Father Bernardo was very happy with the donation. He even helped us in the recovery, the transportation of the statue from Castel Gandolfo to bring it in front of the facade of the Church.

Bro Mario Forino in front of the statue set up near the Church of the Parish of San Giuseppe Aurelio in Rome, not far from the Casa Generalizia.
The inauguration took place on 8th December 2020, which coincided with the proclamation by Pope Francis of the Year of Saint Joseph – 8th December 2020 to 8th December 2021. The priest thanked us warmly during the celebration.
Everything was providential, especially in this year when we invoked St Joseph to protect us and intercede in everything and for all the needs of our Congregation and the Mennaisian Family!
Bro Mario Forino