Schools of La Mennais Network organise every year solidarity stages giving place to exchanges with numerous countries.
Since its creation, the Congregation of the Brothers of Christian Instruction has resolutely turned to open Missions. Still today, present in 26 Countries, the Congregation has been opening new Missions, new Works:
In 2025, 3 new missionaries are sent to Asia, to Timor Leste, to open a new Community and a new Work: see the moment of the sending to mission at: : >>> and the preparation : >>> >>>
From October to December 2024, stay of the three brothers in Portugal for a time of learning Portuguese in Lisbon. Portuguese is the official language of Timor Leste.
In January 2025, they will travel to Dili (capital of Timor Leste) for several months to learn Tetum (local language). They will be hosted in a community of the Divine Word Society (SDV).
In April 2025, they will settle in the city of Manatuto, Diocese of Baucau.
It is possible to donate for Missions and Projects of the La Mennais International Network :
For decades, several associations of solidarity are at work on the initiative of Brothers and the Laity of the Mennaisian Family.
In Canada, the NGO “Terre sans Frontières”, TSF, coordinates development projects in 18 countries among which many countries of Africa like Uganda, Congo DRC, Tanzania, etc. … Contact: www.terresansfrontieres.ca
In Spain, the organisation “Solidarité Amérique Latine”, SAL, organizes actions to help groups particularly in Chile and Bolivia.http://www.ongsal.org
In France, the association Assific, International Solidarity for formation, instruction and cooperation, has numerous projects and is involved in Haïti Sénégal Togo Bénin Congo RDC Ouganda et Rwanda.
Contact : www.assific.com
In schools and educational Centres, an education to solidarity is developed through the contents of teaching, relations to the everyday life and projects of aid towards other people, locally or abroad.
ASSIFIC Association de Solidarité Internationale pour la Formation, l’Instruction et la Coopération
Site : www.assific.com | Contact : assific.ong@gmail.com
SAL – Solidaridad América Latina – Solidarité Amérique Latine
Site: salbilbao.blogspot.fr | Contact : ongsal@menesianos.org
TSF Terre Sans Frontières
Site : terresansfrontieres.ca Contact : tsf@terresansfrontieres.ca