The Aspirants who joined the Postulate. In front, from left to right: Jude and Christine. The Postulants become novices for their Canonical year. At the back, from left to right: Vicky, Cissy, Gloriadav.
Sister Louise Touchette, former Superior General of the Sisters of Providence of St Brieuc, has been present for several years with Sister Emma Mudrick at the new Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Nebbi, in Northern Uganda. This Community was born under the impulse of the Spirit and in the wake of the Sisters of Providence of St Brieuc who continued the accompaniment of the Community, the latter, drawing inspiration from Father de la Mennais. On 8th December, ten commitments were pronounced in Nebbi. Discovery.
« Two Aspirants entered the Postulate stage on December 8th, commented Sr Louise Touchette.
Our three Postulants began the Canonical year of the Novitiate.

The young Professed sisters.
The young Professed Sisters renewed their vows and Sister Maria, our pioneer, made her Perpetual commitment. The celebration took place in the Cathedral and not in our Chapel, because of the social distance. Fortunately, our Brothers are considered of the same family and the four FICs of Nebbi were present with us. »

Sr Maria made Perpetual Vows in the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Nebbi.
« Sr Maria made her Perpetual Vows (private vows). As our small Community has not yet been officially recognized, publically.
Mgr Sanctus Lino Wanok, the founding Bishop of the new Community presided. For the last two years he has been appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Lira, but he continues to accompany the Daughters of Providence of Nebbi, according to his availability. Nebbi has no successor Bishop at the moment but a Diocesan Administrator.
We know that you especially carry in your prayers this fragile but hopeful boat of Providence in Nebbi. »

At the Sisters of Nebbi in February 2020: Sr Betty, Bro Peter Kazekulya, Provincial of the Brothers of Christian Instruction in Uganda, Sr Louise Touchette and another sister, were present.