Prayers to St. Joseph





TRIDUUM on the first Wednesday, Thursday and Friday every month


20. Wednesday

Saint Joseph, you whose prayer is so powerful on the heart of Jesus, look at the needs of the Church, and obtain us generous vocations.

May, through your intercession, many young people and adults hear the call of Jesus to leave everything and follow him more closely, and have the courage to say yes.

We entrust you particularly those in whom rises, by the strength of the Spirit, the desire to become Brothers, so that they may answer this call generously, so that God may thereby be glorified.

21 Thursday

Jesus, Son of God, you call all the baptised to launch out into the deep by travelling the way of holiness.

Through the intercession of Saint Joseph, arouse in the heart of young people the desire to be witnesses of the power of your love in the world of today.
Fill them with the strength and prudence of your Spirit, so that they may discover the full truth about themselves and about their own vocation.

22 Friday

Merciful and holy Lord, continue to send new workers to the harvest of your Kingdom.

Help the Brothers whom you call to follow you. Grant that by contemplating your face they may answer with joy the wonderful mission that you entrust to them, for the good of your People.

Through the intercession of Saint Joseph, pour in them the joy of your Spirit, so that their testimony may arouse in the young people the desire to imitate them.

You who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.