« SECOURS MISSIONS » is 25 years old. Saint-Romuald’s network of solidarity – Quebec, Canada – helps fund missions of the Brothers in Africa, in Asia and in Haiti

From left to right, Bros  Luc Frenette and Maurice Saint-Laurent

Meeting the needs of missions. It is the roadmap of what was called at first a “Procure of the Missions “. Last Friday, March 22nd what has become ” Secours Missions ” celebrated its 25th anniversary. Bro Mario Houle, Provincial,  congratulated and expressed his gratitude.

Everything started in Saint Romuald, Quebec, in January, 1994. Bro André Bellefeuille, then Provincial of Québec-Dolbeau calls up Bro Luc Frenette engaged in the NGO “Terres sans Frontières”.

The Brothers of the local Community, a hundred of faithful volunteers like Georges and Béatrice Ross and so many others, numerous friends and members of the families of the missionaries have formed a team over the years.

Bro Luc Frenette in the room of music of the warehouse

Bro Roland Fortin in the place of the crockery.

The famous garage sales, annual fundraisings, missionary preaching or even small stalls set up on public places: so many ways used to gather funds for the service of educational works. 2 500 000 Canadian dollars, an amount of 1,6 Million Euros – was collected in 25 years by Secours Missions.

And how not to speak about the sale of books, of their collecting and reparation under the leadership of Bro Fernand Blanchet? The basement of the Community of the Atkinson House in Pointe-du-Lac is a real paradise for whoever looks for a book. A total amount of 850 000-Canadian dollars – 560 000 Euros was collected thanks to the sale of books.

And now? ” The work is going on supervised by Bro Maurice St-Laurent assisted by Bro Claude St-Amand as secretary, Bro Luc Frenette explains. Bro Roland Fortin looks carefully to articles always on sale in the warehouse of “Secours-missions” by welcoming cordially the visitors who come every day. Several confreres continue to give precious helps, according to their strength, especially during the “Discoveries of Christmas”.

” We remain motivated to be missionaries here and to allow people of everywhere to continue to support those who are far away according to their possibilities.

Contact : Bro Maurice St-Laurent
