Saint-Jean-Paul II School , Mbugangali, Rwanda
The Latest Echoes of the General Council had brought to everyone’s attention that Rwanda and Congo DRC now form Two Autonomous Entities. Formerly called the Saint John Paul II District, the Two Entities will have to find a New Patron Saint for their District. We wish each New District a wonderful Mission in Fidelity to Jean-Marie de La Mennais and Gabriel Deshayes in the Service of the children and young people of these Two Countries. |
Today the Congregation’s website gives recent News from Rwanda. |
“October was the Feast of the Patron Saint of the Former District of Central Africa. In Rwanda, we celebrated St. John Paul II at the School of the same name in Mbugangali. We began with a Mass Celebrated by the Bishop of Nyundo, Mgr Anaclet, who took the opportunity to Confirm 10 children from the School who had been prepared for this purpose by the Local Parish. All the Brothers of Rwanda were invited to Gisenyi. And all those who could, came to celebrate this Event. The Chotoes are enough to tell you about it. (Br. André BILODEAU, Nyundo, Rwanda) |