The presentation in 5 phases, 5 tones, starts.
At the heart of an approach on possible orientations for the community of Rennes, located at 49 rue St Helier, a prospective evening last December made it possible to share the interpellations of each other, Brothers and laity. Echos.
“19:15 at St Hélier Street, 49, we go from cold to warm, it’s good!
Each one arrives with his or her mystery of link with the community.
We know each other or we do not know each other and yet smiles flow generously.
Nobody remembers the sequence of events as previously notified and lets himself carry on with expectations.

3mn to go round the world, and smiles flow…
Then the presentation in five phases and five tones starts, revealing the personalities of the speakers, who the poet, who the historian, who the messenger of books, who the spirit of the time,
3 minutes to cover 2 centuries, 3mn to go round the world, 3mn for Jean-Marie, 3mn for his canonization acquired at No. 49, St Hélier Street …
3minutes in the innocence of the human being which entrusts to each his place, his link, his reason for being there, no ugly duck, all together.
All together with Him at prayer, all together with the world at prayer.
Sharing of the bread, thanks to the exchanges, we move from the warmth to the coldness, it was good! “