Anthology of the Words of Pope Francis, day by day, since his presence at WYD in Lisbon.
“Instead of tearing questions, we prefer easy answers that Anesthetize. Seek and risk! »
“Have the Courage to replace Fears with Dreams”
” Where are you? Locked in your bubble? »
“What Changes, what Transformations do you want to see in yourself, around you and in the World? »
“Each time you practice a Gesture of Hospitality, you provoke a Transformation”
“The Lord has called you by your Name since the beginning of your life, called that means loved, just as you are”
“If God calls you by your Name, you are a face for Him”
“Many today know your Name, it is treated by the Networks. Some insinuate that they believe in you. These are the illusions of the virtual. Many are vain and superfluous things that leave us empty inside”
“Call the others by their Name!” »
“Christ does not point His finger, but stretches out His arms. Jesus shows it to us on the Cross. He invites you in. It hosts. It frees the heart and leaves a Joy that does not die out”
“Call Jesus by His name, entrust Him with your questions, your Joys and your Worries”
“God is not a Search Engine but the True Friend”
” The Secret? Stay Connected to the Lord”.
Pope Francis to students: “Go further, Higher”
“Instead of Heartbreaking questions we prefer easy answers that Anesthetize.” From the outset, this Wednesday, Pope Francis clearly announces his position to the Academics of the Portuguese Catholic University.
Indeed, he does not hide that the future is full of obstacles, in particular with the risk of “Ecological Destruction” to come. However, his speech is far from adopting a Defeatist or Pessimistic Tone.
The role of Catholic Education, according to him, is to make the link, to remember that Social Justice, Ecology and Spirituality are interdependent and must be resolved together. It is to those who have the privilege of achieving Higher Education that belongs the responsibility to act and to be Actors for progress, and Agents of change. On the initiative of the Pope, a Global Educational Pact has been drawn up with 7 Inspiring Lines.
“Seek and Risk.” These two verbs, repeated several times by Pope Francis, could resonate gravely but are in fact a Tremendous Encouragement for the Younger Generations.
“So, have the Courage to replace Fears with Dreams!”
Compiled by Claire Tanguy
During the Meeting with the President of the Republic of Portugal, the Authorities and Civil Society.
Where are you sailing Europe in the face of the War in Ukraine?
“Where are you sailing Europe if you don’t offer routes of Peace and Creative Ways to end the War in Ukraine and other Conflicts that are Bloodying the World? »
“It is worrying that in many places money is being invested in Weapons rather than the Future of Children”
“Where are you going Europe if, faced with the pain of living, you offer hasty and erroneous remedies such as Easy Access to Death? »
“Let’s work together!” I imagine three building sites of Hope: The Environment, The Future and Fraternity”