Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish Chaplains, including the Bishop of Digne, Mgr. Emmanuel Gobillard (Vatican Delegate Bishop for Sports and Faith) and (in shirt and tie) Chems-Eddine Hafiz, Rector of the Great Mosque of Paris who was visiting the Chaplaincy.

Brother James HAYES had a very Special Role during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. Usually Superior of the Brothers’ Community in Châteaulin (29), again this Summer – after the London Olympic Games in 2012 – he would have been the Chaplain to the Athletes.

 So, what about this experience as a Chaplain in Paris? What feelings do you have today?

“This Summer, I was truly blessed to be able to work at the Olympic and Paralympic Games as a Chaplain.

 How many were you?

“We were a Team of over a Hundred Chaplains from the Five Major Religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism). Everyday all of us joined the Multifaith Centre of the Olympic and Paralympic Village.

The Mennaisian Team of Volunteers Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games in the Summer of 2024

Were you all alone as Brother?

There were three of my French Colleagues. They worked as Volunteers but in other Services outside the Village as Guides, and Drivers. We met Every Evening.

How would your day be?

Every day there were about 16 Chaplains present at the Centres. We were available to the Athletes, Volunteers and Employees who worked at the Village, each Major Religion having its Own Room under one Roof.

 And as Christians, what did you propose?

In our Christian Ecumenical Hall, we, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Chaplains, led 3 Times of Prayer Each Day, including Bible Sharing, Times of Praise, and Prayers of Intercession. There were also 2 Catholic Masses per day that we led in a Church near the Village. Right away, a Beautiful Complicity was established in Our Relationships between Chaplains, and Bonds of Friendship were formed.

In the Ecumenical Christian Prayer Room, myself with a Protestant Chaplain and in the centre a Paralympic Coach of the Namibian Team after praying together.

Wasn’t there a Mass near Notre-Dame?

Yes, there was first a Mass, on July 19th at the Church of La Madeleine to open the Olympic Truce. It was presided over by Mgr Ulrich, Archbishop of Paris. It was also a Mass for Peace! Our World needs it so much. But at Notre-Dame it was an Interreligious Gathering that was held on Sunday, August 4th, 2024, on the Forecourt of Notre-Dame de Paris. A way to celebrate Love, Peace and Fraternity. Thomas Bach, the President of the International Olympic Committee, Tony Estanguet, President of Paris 2024 and the Chaplaincies of the Olympic village were present.

Have you had any success as Chaplains? Of course that’s a bad question!

First of all, what I could say was that our days were very full. They were Rich Human Encounters (about 100 Visits in total per day at the Multifaith Centre). The first success was to be able to live together an Authentic Fraternal Communion in Diversity, as much among the Chaplains as among the Inhabitants of the Village. For me, that Utopian Communion had a taste of Heaven and showed well that such a Communion was Finally possible between Individuals, while respecting what identifies us (Flags, Team Uniforms, Religion, Culture …) and even celebrating that Identity with pride.

3 Catholic Chaplains with a Para-rider Athlete from Singapore who went to Mass with us.

And after these Games? Any plans?

Before the Olympic Games, A New National Network of Catholic Diocesan Delegates “Holy Games” of which I am a part, had been created by the Conference of Bishops in France a year before the Games.

New Avenues have now opened up for other Activities linking Sports and Faith, among young people in Schools and in the Spiritual support of High-level Athletes and Local Amateur Clubs.

Thanks, Brother James and no doubt see you at the Next Olympic Games in Los Angeles!

Brother James at the Olympic Rings a few days before the start of the Games – a place that was very crowded…

Testimonies from Bro James Hayes

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