A lot of joy! The official opening of the year of the Bicentenary of the congregation of the Brothers was lived under the sign of joy. Celebrated with children, laymen, families and Brothers from many countries: Spain, England, Italy, Polynesia, West Africa, the parish of Ploërmel, families of the Brothers, many representatives of other Breton congregations among which the Daughters of the Providence of Saint-Brieuc, authorities of Ploërmel… This day marks the kick-off. The opportunity, as was commented by Mgr. Fruchaud, former Bishop of St-Brieuc and Tréguier, to look at the past, to celebrate the present and to welcome the future. Symbolism: a blue cedar was planted at the heart of the Mother House by children and the Brothers of the General Council whereas the bell tower is dressed from now on in colours of the Bicentenary.
+ A symbolic procession towards the bell tower and the chapel. 5 groups, 5 continents, 5 symbols. The participants were welcomed in the park of the Mother House and joined a group presenting the Brothers and the Mennaisian Family by continent. The symbols? The ear of wheat, the anchor, the motto DS, the star and the ermine of the coat of arms of the congregation.
At the crossroads, facing the bell tower, the reading of the text of the Gospel «Let the children come to me» – Marc 10, 13-16-set the tone of the day. «People were bringing children to Jesus that he might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it he was indignant, and said to them, “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands upon them. ”
At the end of the reading, the logo and the poster of the Bicentenary are deployed on the facade of the bell tower, as a signal of the sky of Ploërmel and towards the 5 continents. And the flags of the 26 countries where is the Mennaisian Family, are displayed throughout the procession towards the chapel.
+ “Brothers, the world, the Church owe you a lot “. Assisted by numerous priests among whom Fr Paul Dossous, Superior general of the Priests of Saint Jacques, Fr Benoît Briand, abbot of the monastery of Timadeuc, Fr Christophe Guégan, parish priest of Ploërmel, Fr Jean Blaise Mwanda, Member of the General Council of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary -Picpus-, Mgr. Lucien Fruchaud chaired the Eucharistic celebration in the presence of a crowd filling the chapel of the Mother House.

Mgr. Fruchaud: ” this Bicentenary calls us “
“God loves us and his love is only capable of filling our lives ” commented on Mgr. Fruchaud. ” This message is at the heart of 6th June, 1819, during the Treaty of union between Gabriel Deshayes and Jean-Marie de la Mennais in order to make this God’s love known for each. (…)(…) The work cannot come true without the power of the Holy Spirit. You will receive the strength, you will be witnesses till the ends of the earth. It is this holy Spirit which livened up the Founders.

The General Council of the Congregation of the Brothers, from right to left:Bros Hervé ZAMOR, Jean-Paul PEUZE, Miguel ARISTONDO, Vincent SSEKATE. In the 1st plan: Sr Huguette PROVOST, Superior general of the Daughters of the Providence.

The authorities and the representatives of other Congregations.

The delegations of countries: Spain, England, Italy, Argentina …
“The world, the Church owe you a lot, they benefited and still benefit from the contribution of your Congregation. Today, invite the others to rejoice with you: God works wonders! Your mission is to allow to live in Christ, to be anchored to Christ himself. The times oblige us to have renewed looks at every level – pedagogy, relations, etc. –so as to continue on our way with passion. This jubilee year opens on the future. It is a question of implementing everything to be capable of pursuing the received mission and of answering the calls, because of God Alone.
+ Brother Hervé ZAMOR, Superior general. ” A Jubilee Year: new Pentecost “

Brother Hervé Zamor. “Let us get up! Do not be afraid!”
” Let us give thanks for our history and these 200 years.
May this jubilee year be a true Pentecost for the entire Congregation
May New Pages be opened in the life of every Lay Mennaisian and every Brother!
New fertility and a new missionary impetus throughout the Congregation!
Let us get up! Let us go for the mission!
Do not be afraid!
Christ gives us a rendez-vous ”
Read also on the Website, the VIDEO message of Brother Superior general on the occasion of the opening of this year of the Bicentenary
+ Theatre, international contacts, an Album and a tree

Friendship pot in the courtyard of the clock at the Mother House.
After the time of the meal, the afternoon gathered 300 people in the hall. The entitled play ” Jean-Marie, the stubborn Breton “ staging Jean-Marie de la Mennais, Féli and Gabriel Deshayes was again interpreted by Pierre Grandry, Philippe Cherdrel accompanied with Angel Villart.
What are the new pages which are opened in the Mennaisian Family? Internet connections were then tried with communities in Haiti, Argentina, the United States, Uganda, Senegal. Several described the new initiatives which are starting or are planned. Songs written for the occasion also gave rhythm to the sharing.
L’Album du Bicentenaire a également été présenté. Conçu dans le cadre d’un N° hors-série de La Mennais Magazine il regroupe en 148 pages et 400 images les 200 ans de la Congrégation.
The Album of the Bicentenary was also presented. Made within the framework of one special issue of La Mennais Magazine, it includes in 148 pages and 400 pictures, the 200 years of the Congregation.
Finally children surrounded by the members of the general council planted the tree of the Bicentenary. A blue cedar. It is situated at the entrance of the property and spreads its beauty, patient, welcoming, ready to grow up and to last… as so many signs.