ONLINE RETREAT. 110 participants from Canada and Mexico experienced “the joy of knowing God”

New! The retreat that just took place in a video conference during 4 days from April 18th  to 21st  2021 had never gathered so many participants in the Province Jean de la Mennais.
Songs, meditations, lectures, reactions and online comments marked these precious moments. Father Guylain Prince, a Franciscan, led the retreat on the theme: «The happiness of knowing God. Evangelization».

Here is the link to the videos and materials of the Retreat

Linda Corbin testifies here the benefits of this meeting lived by 70 Brothers, 30 lay people and Sisters of Providence and thanks to the organizing team.

«With God: a life-giving, personal and reciprocal relationship»

“Father Guylain, a few words to express my gratitude for this beneficent Retreat: “The happiness of knowing God”. You bring me a key to a completely new understanding in my relationship with God, in my daily life, and more a fresh look at what the true meaning of Evangelization is.
Above all, I remember the expression “Invigorating, personal and reciprocal relationship”: these words have for me “taste of paradise”. Now they echo what I feel in the depths of my being. They will remain alive in the heart of my relationships, present and future; inseparable link to my joyful relationship with God. I feel nourished and enlivened by your simple teaching, imaged and filled with contagious joy.

P. Guylain Prince, ofm.

Thanks to the organizers of this Reinvented Retreat

I salute all the work done to implement this wonderful Retreat. What a pleasant and easy experience to live in the comfort of my home! The platform, aesthetically inviting, was easy to access, especially simple to use. I enjoyed being able to listen to Conferences and Songs more than once. I had the impression that Father Guylain was speaking directly to me. I am always amazed by this feeling of proximity despite the distances.

Bro Robert, thank you for all the research in order to prepare, with such accuracy, the Prayer Notebook. It really allowed me to continue my internalization on a daily basis. I am also happy to have shared daily prayer with the Diaspora; I really enjoyed living times of meditation and sharing that would further anchor the Word of God. I have had the pleasure of talking to people I would not have been able to talk to, if we had been face-to-face because of the great distances between us, of reduced mobility. It was good to relive the “cacophonic” joy of videoconferencing.

Mario, my brother, thank you for being at the source of all this dynamic. Your qualities as an enthusiastic Animator, as a Captain, made us want to follow you and board the boat even without knowing where it would lead us. You coordinated with a fruitful know-how that kept in hope and joy of living our whole beautiful Mennaisian Family. This is an experience I would relive again. Even if virtual does not replace face-to-face, it brings other unexpected benefits. It’s nice and invigorating to move forward.

Thank you all for your great generosity.”

Linda Corbin