OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE BICENTENARY. ALL INVITED AT PLOERMEL ON JUNE 2nd Rev. Bro Hervé Zamor, Superior general, will send a message to the whole Mennaisian Family

The Treaty of Union? An Alliance in the service of a cause: education.

All at Ploërmel on 2ndJune, 2019  Ploërmel and the Mother House of De la Mennais Brothers, the parish and all the Congregation, in union with the 26 countries where the Mennaisian family works, are getting ready to live a historical meeting on Sunday, 2nd.June, 200 years after the signature of the Treaty of Union underlining the agreement  between Gabriel Deshayes, Vicar-general of Vannes and Parish priest of Auray and Jean-Marie de la Mennais, Vicar-general of Saint Brieuc. It is a day coloured by the memory, the present and the future that is going to be written.

6th June, 1819 at Saint Brieuc, the two Founders unite their energy in the service of a cause: to save children and young people by means of education. A holistic  education of the entire person: spirit, heart and body. It is the act of foundation of the Brothers of Christian Instruction.

This anniversary concerns all families, educators, teachers and educational staffs. He affects also directly children and young people of the international Educational Mennaisian Network.

In each of the 26 countries where the Mennaisian Family, Brothers and laymen, is at work
Meetings and celebrations are going to take place during this month of June till October, 2020.

A celebration of opening of the Bicentenary where all are expected.

“200 years later, we, followers of both founders, we want to pursue this adventure of faith, of confidence in the Providence, and love for the children and the young people.

The 760 Brothers, distributed in 26 countries of the world, on 5 continents, thank you for joining them in prayer

So that the Holy Spirit goes on guiding the Congregation,  and assist it to write “new pages”.

Brother Hervé Zamor, SG. and his Council.

Welcome to young people, welcome to families, and to all!

The General Council of the Brothers of Christian Instruction Is happy to invite you at the celebration of the opening of the Bicentenary year of the Congregation.

Here is the programme planned for Sunday, 2nd June:

9:30 Reception

10:00 Rally in the Park of the Mother House
Animation, Welcome song,

Walk to the Chapel

10:30 am Celebration in the Chapel

12:30 pm Picnic

14:00 Animation


Presentation of the Album of the Bicentenary and of the film “To grow. 200 years of the Mennaisian spirit”

On-line contact with 5 other countries of the Congregation

Message from the Superior General

Planting the tree of the bicentenary