Something new in Taiohae, Nuku Hiva, Polynesia! The St Joseph Education Centre for development (CED), created in 1998 and directed by Bro Rémy Quinton, now turned into St Athanase High School.

Political, religious, educational authorities at the ceremony.

Sharing between Bro Rémy Quinton, Headteacher, the President and the authorities.
The opening took place on Saturday 27th June, 2020 in the presence of Edouard Fritch, President of French Polynesia, together with his government and the State Administrator of the Marquesas.

Bishop Pascal retraced the course of St Athanasius.

The Brothers Yvon Deniaud and Francis Caillet.
His Lordship Bishop Pascal blessed the school. «Wonderful moment when our Bishop recalled the meaning of the choice of the name Athanasius for the Lycée, Bro Rémy Quinton explained. The prayers in 4 languages marked the unity to Polynesia because our students are from all the archipelagos of the Country. The songs, the speeches punctuated the beginning of the morning.» Land will also be made available to young people by the Church in return for a symbolic rent.
From now on, young people wishing to train in the agricultural and business management professions will be able to continue their studies towards a second professional and the CGEA Baccalaureate: Running and Management of Agricultural Business. After 5th form, after 3rd form, after a CAPA – Certificate of Agricultural Aptitude – students can now choose to come and train at the Marquesas in Nuku Hiva.
The CED started in 1998 with 6 students and now has 62 while 80 students are expected to enrol in the new school year. President Fritch confirmed that students’ travel expenses were covered during the internships as well as a grant for the extension of classrooms and the renovation of the boarding school.
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