From left to right: Bro Mario, Gabriel, Bro Éwald, Bro Gaétan.
«On June 14th, the community of John Paul II Centre in Huatusco, Mexico, celebrated the 21st birthday anniversary of Angel de Gabriel Cabal Rosas, called Gaby, together with his elder sister’s family. Gaby took the opportunity to officially submit his letter of application for admission to the Postulate, explains Bro Mario Houle, Provincial Canada-USA-Mexico. I can testify how full of faith, joy and maturity this letter was.
In a message together with Bro Géniaud Lauture, Provincial of Haiti,
we have admitted Gabriel who thus becomes the very first Mexican BCI postulant.
Starting next August, for a full year, Gaby will join the Postulate of the Lassalian Brothers, in México, in the company of Bro Éwald Guerrier, appointed Director of the Postulate for Mexico.

Gaby, postulant, – left – with Bro Éwald Guerrier.
Here is the conclusion of the response sent to Gabriel:
Know that the Brothers and all the Mennaisians of America rejoice at this beautiful and daring step that you havely made.
You now inhabit our mind and heart, and be sure that we will support you with our affection and prayer in each of your coming steps.
A successful journey, Gaby! God precedes you in this adventure.

From left to right: Bro Géniaud Lauture, Provincial Haiti, Bro Mario Couture, Bro Ewald Guerrier, María Fernanda Capellini, Bro Gaétan Arseneault, Bro Daniel Gautier, Bro Mario Houle, Provincial of Canada-USA-Mexico
After many years of generous and faithful service, Bro Gaétan Arseneault leaves his role of Superior of the mission while continuing to animate the Huatusco community as a local Superior. Bro Mario Couture takes over with dynamism at a time when the mission is opening up to hope and setting up even clearer structures for vocational accompaniment and formation.”