MESSAGE. The 15 Brothers of the General Conference call to live hope

During the 10 days of the General Conference, the 11 Major Superiors and 4 Brothers of the General Council experienced a Synodal exercise: listening to each other, Discerning and Deciding on Guidelines for the Brothers and lay people of the Mennaisian Family. Now they are sending a message to all.

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They reread the progress made since the 2018 Chapter and looked at the realities with the strengths and weaknesses of the different sectors.

The Rule of Life and Young Adults

The revision of the Rule of Life of the Brothers is already underway thanks to the work of an International Commission. It will be continued until the Chapter of 2024 where a significant part of this event will be devoted to it.

The members of the General Conference assured us that they are calling for new steps, especially towards young adults.

The importance of the Formation of young Brothers was emphasized and the work of the Formators encouraged.

“We reaffirm the importance of the Mennaisian Family and the need to work to renew and strengthen it.,” The Conference insists on the commitment and the common Formation of the Brothers and the Lay people. “We call for the continuation of the journey and the taking of new steps, especially towards the Young Adults Mennaisians. We hope that everywhere Mennaisian groups of Brothers and Lay people will be created and developed, united by a common project.”