Mennaisians of France and Polynesia: in the footsteps of Jean-Marie de la Mennais

Moment of Mennaisian Fraternity between the Mennaisian Family of France and Polynesia

On October 21st and 22nd, 2024, the Heads of Schools and their Deputies from the 76 Schools, Colleges and High Schools of the St-Jean-Baptiste Province met at the Abbey of St-Jacut de la Mer, near St-Malo, for two days of Training on the Mennaisian Experience seen as the Act of Developing, Discerning and implementing together an Educational Project inspired by the Charism transmitted by the Brothers.                         

Days of Heads of Establishments and their Deputies of Colleges and High Schools of the Province of St-Jean-Baptiste at the Abbey of St-Jacut de la Mer

It was an opportunity for them to celebrate the Eucharist in the Cathedral of St-Malo, so important in the hearts of the Mennaisians, and to enter the heart of the College of St-Malo, the place where Jean-Marie de la Mennais experienced the educational act of teaching and training young people eager to commit themselves to the service of the evangelization of their contemporaries. 

Visit to the Saint-Malo College, in the footsteps of Jean-Marie de la Mennais

From October 29th to November 6th , the Mother House was pleased to welcome fifteen Polynesian Lay People and Brothers, members of the educational teams of La Mennais College in Papeete and St-Joseph College in Taravao.

The Mother House welcomes a group of Mennaisians from Polynesia

This stay allowed them to stay at the Mother House and to be touched, thus, by the message that it can bring to each one in order to nourish his life and his mission with the young people. A strong moment was the prayer that they made with the Brothers of the Mother House, at the cemetery of the latter, on All Saints’ Day, in favor of the former missionaries who brought to Polynesia the fire of the Mennaisian charism.

Highlight of the prayer at the Brothers’ cemetery at the Mother House, on All Saints’ Day, in favor of the former missionaries who worked in Polynesia.

They had wonderful meetings with the educational teams of Malestroit and Ploërmel. They were able to have an exchange with some lay people and brothers of the Province of St-Jean-Baptiste. Unforgettable meetings that make you want, on your return, to invite others to have the same experience.

Sent by Brother Yannick Houssay, Provincial.