Some 100 young Mennaisians of the “Cono Sur”: (Argentina-Chili-Bolivia-Uruguay) gathered at Bialet-Massé to celebrate Easter and used this opportunity to define their identity. In the forthcoming months they decided to work together on small digital projects bringing together two young people from every school. These projects will regularly feed a website of the Young Mennaisians.
What we are and what we want to be :
“Young Mennaisians are active young people, with an innovative vocation, and whose motto and driving force is God alone.
They form a community that celebrates life and feel buoyed up by the reality that surrounds them, acting according to the teachings of Jean Marie de la Mennais.
They assume their responsibility to create ties with children and young people, especially with the neediest, always seeking for their integral growth and development as individuals.
To reach their goal, they leave their comfort zone and go to the border, especially where others dare not go, being like angels with an attentive look and a humble heart.”
Informations: Bro Guillermo, Brother Assistant
See the VIDEO :
See also the link with the blog of :
Link: http://natxomorso.blogspot.com/2017/04/como-generar-cambios.html