MENNAISIAN WEEK. «Sowing joy», a music video and a song: a gift received from Asia

Bro Philippe BLOT, on the right in the photo, with several Brothers of Yogyakarta Community, Indonesia

In the heart of men sowing joy, sowing joy in the heart of God!”

Sowing, growing, tasting, springing, opening oneself: this song is fresh and it is an invitation!

Written by Bro Philippe BLOT, of Yogyakarta Community, Indonesia, and intended for the whole Mennaisian Family, it was composed during lock down, then taken again with the complicity of Bro Arsène PELMOINE, France and put into a clip video from Yogyakarta.

At Yogyakarta Community, postulants and novices with several Brothers.

A gift at the heart of this Mennaisian Week and the Great Novena.

Watch and listen here:

With lyrics and notes SEMER LA JOIE_Ph. BLOT_20 May 2020

Let’s also discover the young people in formation and the Indonesian version :