“It is the most international and the most feminine school that we have had!” said Brother Benito, Provincial. Indeed this one gathers people from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Mexico and even from Canada! Since January 16th at Bialet Massé, Argentina, it has gathered 72 participants.
Here is the testimony from Michèle Hétu, associated member in Canada who came to Bialet Massé with some Mexicans from Huatusco:
“I am currently in Argentina … most certainly thanks to the intervention of the Spirit and also to the great sensitivity of Bro. Mario Couture! Last week, I took a training specially offered to the faculty of the Mennaisian schools of the Southern Cone, but which can also apply to the daily life of any person.
We were 72 people to attend. A real pastoral camp, similar to those we experienced in our youth, but unusually intense given the multitude of symbols used and especially because of the wealth of hearts of those present. An exceptional integral training which allowed us to make multiple experiences with the help of our three relational instances: the body, the spirit and the heart …
Today, Friday, we start a second stage of formation for people who have followed the 3-year training and who will eventually become Formators of the Charism. What a privilege to be with them … I feel like a “worker of the last hour” who receives an extraordinary salary without having toiled all day! It is not a question of theoretical training but of developing attitudes and having tools to better radiate around us.
Bro. Josú (Olabarrieta) uses his book (Pathfinder for the future) a bit, which I had the intuition to read again during my 20 hours of travel to come here! This morning, we shared on a text of Madeleine Delbrel that I know quite well, then we were invited to make the habit to “let us be born”, to learn to use the Spirit’s wind instead of obliging ourselves to row the boat! The last 45 minutes before dinner, spent in solitude on the beautiful grounds of the College, allowed us to open to contemplation …
What a present! I give thanks to God to have sent me an intense North Wind which, in a few days, literally threw me from the 45th Northern parallel to the 39th Southern parallel where I currently have the immense privilege to live an experience which I am looking forward to share with you.