MENNAISIAN FAMILY. “We are Optimistic: Our Family will grow thanks to the Virgin Mary”

Better understanding the realities of the Mennaisian Family, enabling the Development of the Family and creating Animation Commissions in each Province and District: These are the Objectives proposed by the International Commission of the Mennaisian Family.

The Team of Six Members of the International Commission of the Mennaisian Family is hard at Work this Monday and Tuesday to present a New Reference Text based on Lived Realities.


This Team is composed of Ms. Victoria DRAPER from Uruguay, Ms. Luz Martha de LA CRUZ ROMERO from Mexico, Ms. Yvette MEUS from Haiti, Ms. Belen CORUñA MOZO from Spain, Ms. François LE BRETON from France and Mr. John DDUNGU, from ‘Uganda. F Miguel ARISTONDO, Assistant Superior Genera, has accompanied this Team over the years.

From left to right: Ms. Victoria DRAPER, Ms. Belen CORUñA MOZO, Ms. François LE BRETON.

From left to right: Ms. Luz Martha de LA CRUZ ROMERO, Ms. Yvette MEUS.

From left to right: Ms. Yvette MEUS and Mr. John Bosco DDUNGU.

“We Reaffirm Our Motivation regarding the importance of this Family, underlined the Lay People present and we are Optimistic: Our Family will grow thanks to the Blessing of the Virgin Mary. »

Proposals have been made for the Organization of the Family at the Local Level, the Country – or the Province or District – and at the International Level.