A tree that is growing! It is the image of the work of the International Commission of the Mennaisian Family. The team has just met in a Video Conference on 31st May, 1st and 2nd June. They conducted an overview of the realities experienced in the context of the pandemic, highlighted the initiatives carried out in several Countries and worked in particular on the issues of the place of young people in the Mennaisian Family. A message to the whole Family would be broadcasted in a few days.
What do we live in concrete terms with each other as, Lay people, Young people, Brothers in Schools, Educational Centers and La Mennais Groups and how do we constitute a large Family? How to invite young people to meet and participate in the Family? What formation actions should be developed? What links between the Lay Associates and the Family? What a welcome for the Reference Text of the «Mennaisian Family»? What participation in the Vocation Ministry?
So many questions addressed during these sessions, were lively animated in the three afternoons.
The members of the International Commission of the Mennaisian Family are: John Bosco DDUNGU (Uganda – South Sudan), Victoria DRAPER (Argentina – Uruguay – Chili – Bolivia), Michèle HETU (Canada – Mexique – USA), Yvette MÉUS (Haïti), Belén Coruña MOZO (España), Françoise LE BRETON (France – England), the four Brothers of the General Council and the Brother Secretary General.
A message to the Mennaisian Family will be broadcasted shortly.