MENNAISIAN FAMILY. How can a layperson get involved in the Mennaisian Family? What path to take to become a Lay Mennaisian Associate? The International Commission makes proposals.

                                The General Council worked with the members of the International Commission.

How can a layperson get involved in the Mennaisian Family and what kind of formation is needed? How can one continue to engage with the Lay Mennaisian Associates in the light of one’s being sent by the Church?

The 6 Lay members of the International Commission of the Mennaisian Family namely, Michèle HETU, Jean-Robert LEBRUN, Lorena MOLINA, Françoise LE BRETON, Laura JOSE, John Bosco DDUNGU met together with the Brothers of the General Council from 2nd to 5th October at the Casa Generalizia in Rome. They represented the Commissions of the respective Provinces of North America, Haiti, Argentina-Uruguay, Spain, France and Uganda.

The 2018 General Chapter mandated the General Council and the International Commission to continue the reflection on the Document of Reference of the Mennaisian Family and to draft a Text of Statutes for the Mennaisian Lay Associates.

Meeting of the Commission with Ms Carine Dequenne of the Congregation for Consecrated Life in Rome.

Ms. Carine Dequenne, of the Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL), came to Casa Generalizia to enlighten the International Commission on the Association of Lay members to a Congregation and the writing of Statutes.

After a fruitful sharing, the Commission managed to finalise both texts.

Assembly of the Mennaisian Family on September 21 and 22 at Cap la Madeleine, Quebec, Canada.

Retreat of the Brothers and Laity of Haiti, this Summer in Pétion-Ville

Summer meeting of a group of the Mennaisian Family, Spain.

Educational teams gathered at the Congress «Happy to be a Mennaisian educator» on 17th May, 2019 in Ploërmel.

The Draft Statutes will first and foremost be presented to the CICLSAL for a first reading, and thereafter sent to the Major Superiors for corrections and amendments.

Then the General Council will take into account the reports of the Animation Commissions of the Mennaisian Family of the Provinces or Districts and will present them to the CICLSAL for approval « ad experimentum ».

As for the Document of Reference, chapter 4 on the modalities of engagement and chapter 5, written by the International Commission, will likewise be sent to the Provinces and Districts for corrections and amendments.

Meeting with members of Sant’Edigio of Rome.

The members of the International Commission also met with officials from the Sant’Egidio Community in Rome.

Times of conviviality have stimulated collective work!