Babies and Children welcome! These are new faces who have brightened up and rejuvenated the New Version of the Celebration of the Launching of the year for the St-Jean-Baptiste Province, France-England. From a Provincial celebration, with mainly Brothers, experienced in other years, the Celebration of the Mennaisian Family led by a Dynamic Team took place this Sunday, August 27th 2023 at the Motherhouse of Ploërmel. Video, Songs, Celebrations, Meals, Visits to construction sites in progress and Games punctuated this day which brought together 150 Participants including 6 Jubilarians present and Bishop Jean Bondu, New Auxiliary Bishop of Rennes, Dol and St-Malo. Wink: everyone received Lego elements… to share with others. While 2024 will be the year of the 200th Anniversary of the Mother House, let us do an overview of this invigorating School New Year!

A child in the middle of the Assembly: symbolic of this year’s launch day.
“With in your eyes: fire, the warmth of the Father, with in your hands: an open path, without fear”. The Songs set the tone for this Launch Day of the year: from “Salt of the Earth” to “Happiness to be together”.
“Together we will build because we will be united,” underlined with force Br. Yannick Houssay, Provincial. May a Fraternal Love for one another, received by Christ, carry us and guide us, it is from Him that we receive this impetus and it is in this way that we will be Missionary Disciples. I send you all – Laity and Brothers – with Joy on the paths of Youth and Education. »
This momentum for ” To build Together ” was symbolized throughout the day by the decorations of the Amphitheater, the Slogan presented with Fabric lettering, a Cathedral made up of various elements carried by different people and assembled during the celebration and two pieces of Lego received as a gift at the time of shipment. “Come on, let’s build! »
“Have the Joy of Hope! “. This extract from the Letter to Romans 12, 9-18 was meditated on together during a time of Prayer at the opening of the Morning.

François Péron eand Bro Pierrick Busson gave the rythm to the different events of the day.
“We are here in the Family House, commented Bro. Pierrick Busson, Superior and Director of the Mother House. It is a hive that lives and also welcomes everything that is happening elsewhere in the Province”.
The Rainbow of Actors of the Mennaisian Family is real in any case and the people present who have risen as and when their membership illustrates this richness well: Brothers, Mennaisian Fraternities, Tutelle Team and Council, Economic Council, Assific, Mennaisian Associates, Coordination Committee of the Fraternities, Members of Estival… An image Album of the past year made it possible to trace the events and also to remember the deceased Brothers and Lay people.
New resources
The new animation tools were presented by part of the team that prepared the year theme.
A video designed as a message to everyone makes it possible to share this momentum with Educational Teams, Children and Young people, Communities and Families.
“Humble beginnings! We know that we will invent our road together by walking” according to the Spirit described by Jean-Marie de La Mennais and Gabriel Deshayes.
See here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMV5_GD94-Y
An online platform – padlet – also makes it possible to draw Texts, Images, References on the Subject
For the Fraternities, novelty concerning the Booklets prepared by a whole Team and presenting the theme of the year: the different sheets will be sent out according to the Liturgical rhythms of the year: Advent, Lent…

Lucie Lefrais and Marie Horeau Le Breton presented the new format of fraternity booklets.
And invitation is made to the Fraternities to draw on a particular theme of their choice from the collection of online booklets and to discuss their experiences and realities in order to share (good) ideas with others. Contact : cocofram@mennaisien.org
What’s new ?
This year 2023-2024 will see a number of key events.
The General Chapter in March-April 2024 in Ariccia near Rome – several Brothers from the Province will be there –
Heads of Schools and Deputy Heads will meet in October for two days. Many Meetings are organized throughout the year by the Tutelle Team for different audiences: Newcomers to La Mennais France network, Pastoral Assistants, Ogec Teams, etc.
At Christmas, the Brothers will meet around the film “I will never forget your faces” around the theme of Restorative Justice.

Games: it’s good for cultivating bonds!
2024: this is the 200th Anniversary of the Mother House. Are there any Projects in preparation for this?
On March 16th, 2024, the New Reception Center of the Mother House will be inaugurated. The next day will be the Meeting of the Mennaisian Fraternities.
The Festival Associations – the latter is now commissioned by the Province to collectively take charge of the Province’s Youth Delegation-, Assific and others also meet naturally at numerous Meetings to experience the actions.
The new Solidarity Calendar created by the Assific Association has been published!
It is used to help finance 20 projects in more than 10 countries. It is carried out by Alain Caillon, President of Assific.
Order at : secretariat.province@mennaisien.org

Corentin Ogier and Bro. James Hayes shared their Joy received durint he WYD in Lisbon.
Corentin Ogier, Coordinator of the French La Mennais Delegation to the WYD in Lisbon, and Bro James Hayes, the Group’s Guide, testified with energy to their Joy at having experienced these WYDs: “a very beautiful experience which we are going to witness, marked by the commitments taken by many on the subject of Christian Unity, closeness to the Poor and Evangelization Actions. »
Jean Kermarrec, Founder of the Eponymous Real Estate Group, was thanked for his participation in the Economic Council for School Affairs and the Provincial Bursary.
6 Jubilees
12 Jubilarian Brothers were celebrated on this Sunday.
They renewed their vows in the presence of Brother Jean-Paul Peuzé, 1st Assistant of the Congregation. Bro Jean-Paul regained his health after months of Medical follow-up.

From left to right, the Bros. Michel GUYOMARC’H, Henri RIVOALEN, Philippe LAUNAY, Joseph FORGEAU, Joseph PINEL and Michel CLOUET.
60 Years of Religious Life: Bros Henri ALANOU, Bernard BONRAISIN, Michel CLOUET, Michel GUYOMARC’H, Philippe LAUNAY, Henri RIVOALEN
70 Years old: Bros Joseph FORGEAU, Michel GUILLAUME, Joseph PINEL
75 Years old: Bro René PENIGUEL
80 Years old: Bros Hubert ORE, Joseph VIDELO

From left to right, the Bros. Jean-Paul PEUZE, Joseph PINEL, Michel CLOUET, Philippe LAUNAY, Mgr Jean BONDU, Joseph FORGEAU, Henri ROVOALEN, Michel GUYOMARC’H and Yannick HOUSSAY.

People from Ploërmel joined the Mennaisian Family for the Mass.
Mgr Jean Bondu : « Children and Young evangelized us »

Mgr Jean Bondu. “Christ is the first Builder”.
“Together to build what? we want to say listening to this theme of the year” commented Bishop Jean Bondu in his homily during the Celebration.
“Let us welcome the Word of God, the Spirit and let Him act. It is Christ who is the First builder and we are the partners of the Lord. »
“We are with Christ the sons of men. Man, as God wants him. »
“Let children and young people discover their dreams without first realizing those of their parents!” »

Build together… a cathedral…
“Children and young people evangelize us. And they carry a Vocation that brings out the best in us. »
“The whole Church gives thanks for what you are, you Brothers and members of La Mennais Network. »

Symbolic objects were presented during the offertory: Rule of life of the Brothers, sweat of Estival, educational project La Mennais, booklet of fraternities and bread and wine.
Beautiful tours of the Mother House in construction
The Motherhouse is changing from within!
This is the observation that can be made during the visits organized on this day:
the site of the Reception Center – Meeting Rooms and Bedrooms
the New Accommodation of Br. Provincial: Office-Meeting Room-Bedroom,
the New Tutelle Offices on two levels
The photo exhibition realized by Bro Olivier Migot, on the action of the Brothers in Rwanda, in particular in Kirambo, report realized during a training stay in education with young people of the Lycée St François d’Assise of Savenay
the reorganization of the Bedroom of Fr. de la Mennais.

Everyone received Lego elements to… build together …

Children and babies, families in the park: that’s a good sign!
This is an opportunity to highlight the active presence of the Mother House Community and the Staff who take care of this Family Home on a daily basis in all its dimensions: Reception, Maintenance, Garden… And Nature is at the Heart of this House.