LOOK AT THE STAR. Each Major Superior received a lamp «Witnessing Hope» until the Chapter of 2024

A pilgrimage route. The General Conference ended on 4th  October 2022 with a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Divino Amore, near Rome.

Entrance to the Shrine of Divino Amore, near Rome.

A time to give thanks to the Lord for all that was received and shared; thanksgiving also for the quality of listening and welcoming between the Major Superiors and the General Council.

BroHervé Zamor, Sg, thanked each member of the Conference  as well as those who provided services.

At the end of the Celebration, the Superior General thanked everyone for his coming and his fraternal participation, without forgetting Brother Josu for his translation work (French-Spanish), Brother Vincent who allowed Brother Casio Aizire, to have a good understanding of all exchanges, and the Secretary General, for the concrete services rendered for the smooth running of the Conference.

A Fraternal and Joyful Agreement.

The Major Superiors emphasized the good fraternal and joyful understanding of the sharing, noting once again that the diversity expressed in respect and listening, can only be a wealth.

The dynamic used to conduct the debates seemed to have been well appreciated: everyone was able to express themselves, listen to each other, discern and give directions for the challenges to come.


Two Projects towards 2024 and a message

The road is signposted with two important «projects» for which all the Brothers and Laity of the Mennaisian Family will be called to participate: the Preparation of the next General Chapter 2024, and the Revision of the Rule of Life.

At the end of the Conference, participants agreed on a message for the entire Mennaisian Family. This will be sent to the Major Superiors who will relay it to each member, Brothers and Laity of the Districts and Provinces.

A lit lamp

Bro Hervé gives a lamp to Bro Pascal, Visitor of Saint John Paul II District, Congo DRC and Rwanda.

Bro Carlos, Provincial of Spain received a lamp «Witnessing Hope».

A small lamp was lit during this Conference: each Major Superior received it, in a small glass with the logo of the year’s theme «Witnessing Hope».  They are invited to keep it lit, on this path to the General Chapter, during the various meetings that will mark this road.

At the end of the Celebration, all hearts let this song rise : :  Video

“Look at the star, Invoke Mary,

If you follow her you fear nothing!

She leads you on the way!”