LIVE FROM THE CASA, ROME.  12 Visitors welcomed with Joy at the Generalate

LIVE FROM THE CASA, ROME.  12 Visitors welcomed with Joy at the Generalate

Après une longue période de calme, due à la Covid, la Casa, riche de ses 12 Frères, a repris son rythme d’activités, avec les départs et les arrivées ainsi que sa mission d’accueil. L’an prochain, la Casa sera organisée sous la forme de deux communautés de Frères. Récit par F. Hervé Asse, secrétaire général de la Congrégation et supérieur de la Casa

La communauté de la Casa n’a pas échappé au virus, et la fin du Carême ainsi que la semaine sainte ont été marqués par des périodes de confinement des uns et des autres, puisque 8 Frères sur 12 ont été à un moment donné positifs… avec de légers symptômes, mais sans conséquence grave.

Après la semaine sainte, nous avons d’abord accueilli le Conseil général des Filles de la Providence de St Brieuc et le Frère Yannick Houssay. Une rencontre avec la Congrégation pour la vie consacrée -CIVCSVA- avait été programmée depuis longtemps. Les sœurs sont reparties heureuses de cette rencontre, et actuellement nous sommes en union de prière avec elles, suite à leur chapitre général tenu à  l’Ile Blanche, Finistère, France.

Puis la Casa, à l’occasion de la rencontre internationale des Supérieures générales -UISG- à Rome, a accueilli 5 Supérieures générales : 3 congolaises -une d’une Congrégation de Dungu, et deux d’Isiro-, une Rwandaise (Kigali) et la Sœur Mariannick Caniou, SG des Sœurs de la Pommeraye.

After a long period of calm, due to Covid,19 the Casa, with its 12 Brothers, has resumed its rhythm of activities, with Arrivals and Departures as well as its Mission of Welcome. Next year, the Casa will be re- organized in the form of two Communities of Brothers. Bro Hervé Asse, Secretary General of the Congregation and Superior of the Casa, is telling us:

The Casa Community has not escaped the virus, at the end of Lent as well as during the Holy Week were marked by periods of Confinement of some Brothers, of which 8 Brothers out of 12 were at one time positive… with slight symptoms, but without serious consequences.

A great diversity at the Casa all these weeks! A great house…

After Holy Week, we first welcomed the General Council of the Daughters of Providence from St Brieuc and Brother Yannick Houssay. A meeting with the Congregation for Consecrated Life -CICLSAL- had been planned for a long time. The Sisters left happy after this Meeting, and we are currently in union of prayer with them, following their General Chapter held in Ile Blanche, Finistère, France.

Then the Casa, during the occasion of the International Meeting of Superior Generals -UISG- in Rome, welcomed 5 Superior Generals: 3 Congolese -one from a Congregation in Dungu, and two from Isiro-, one from Rwanda (Kigali) and Sister Mariannick Caniou, Superior General of the Sisters of La Pommeraye (France).

Sisters Célestine and Brigitte, from Isiro.

Bro Eugene Mwesigye’s Birthday Meal, with Drums and Songs!

From left to right: Br Hervé ASSE, Pierre and Roselyne SERRAND, from Cancale and Br Jean-Paul PEUZE.

The Brothers of the General Council, who had taken up their Pilgrim’s staff again, have returned little by little for their next Council Session, which began on 16th May2022. We also welcomed Pierre and Roselyne Serrand – Mennaisian Associates from Cancale, France – who came to make their pilgrimage to Rome, and especially to experience the Canonisation of Father de Foucauld, a key witness in their life and journey.

Read their testimony about this pilgrimage on the Website

Finally, at the en of May, we will welcome Father Dossous, SG of the Priests of St James, who will come for the Meeting of the Union of Superior Generals.

Bro Rony, on the left, and Bro Victor have completed their studies in Rome.

The Casa Community is also preparing for the departure and welcome of confreres: Br. Daniel Briant and Joseph Bellanger would be leaving the Casa for New Missions that will be entrusted to them; 2 students (Br. Victor and Br. Rony will be leaving the Casa); Br. Eugene Mwesigye will also be leaving the Reception duties….

Bro Eugene Mwesigye celebrated by the Casa on his Birthday

The arrival of the Italian Brothers at the Casa will also bring about a new organisation and distribution of some of the Casa’s Services. From now on there will be two Distinct Communities at the Casa, but with many Community and Spiritual links. Finally, two new students, one from Uganda and one from Congo, will complete the Casa 2022-2023.

Bro Hervé Asse