3 intense days! From the 5th to the 7th August 2019, the 2nd Chapter of Saint Paul District of West Africa took place in Thian, Parakou, Benin.

The “official members” of the Chapter
This Chapter was chaired by Bro Jean Paul PEUZE, the first Assistant of the Superior General, in the presence of Brother Jean de la Croix LARE, the Visitor, and his Council. 17 capitulants (Brothers), 5 Lay people and 2 invited Brothers took part in this chapter; in all, there were 24 participants.
The chapter opened on Sunday the 4th in the evening with a celebration to entrust the whole Chapter and the capitulants to the Lord, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
During these three days, Brothers and Laity reflected together on the themes relating to the present and the future of the young District and the Mennaisian Family in reference to the guidelines of the General Chapter2018.
During the Chapter, the capitulants and the participants had moments of work in committees and then in the assembly to deal with certain points and to make decisions for the years to come.

The Laity present at the Chapter here together with Bro Jean de la Croix Lare.
Three themes were dealt with by the Brothers and the Laity: the educational mission, the Mennaisian family and the Vocation ministry.
Three other themes were discussed only by the Brothers: community life, formation and self-sufficiency/Practical Guide.
“This chapter was a positive experience of fraternal life between Brothers and Lay people of the Mennaisian family of Saint Paul District of West Africa with quality texts that touch well the crucial points of the life of the District and propose important answers or advances” underlined Bro Jean-Paul Peuzé at the final assembly.
“These decisions must now be put into practice. It will take everyone’s commitment to live them. If everyone is committed to his personal life, community and mission, something can really change and the new page we have imagined will begin to be written.”
He specially thanked Bro Jean de la Croix and to his Council for the preparation, Bros Jean-Baptiste and Camille for the animation, Bro Wilfried for writing the documents, Bro Claude and his team for logistics and Bro Gilbert for the secretarial work.
The Chapter ended on Wednesday evening the 7th with a Mass of Thanksgiving presided over by the Archbishop of Parakou, Pascal N’ KOUE.
After the district chapter, was held from the 8th to the 9th August, a session of all District Vocation Delegates (VADs). The Session consisted mainly of sharing experiences of the various VADs, the presentation of the Vocations Ministry Guide in the district and challenges as well as emergencies in this regard.