Enzo, Inès, Noélia, Swann et Nicolas, pupils of Saint Stanislas College of Saint-Renan, France will live the Great Mennaisian Week participating in several events…
Spiritual, sporting and cultural activities are offered in a special way in many of the 200 schools in the 26 countries where the Brothers and Laity of the Mennaisian Family are at work.
A privileged time of prayer and connection with people recommended to Father de La Mennais: this is the annual meeting of the Great Novena for the beatification of Father de La Mennais
For 9 days, the communities of Brothers, the teams of Schools and educational Centres, the Laity and non-teaching staff, join together to share intentions and entrust people to the intercession of Jean-Marie de la Mennais.

Meeting of Mennaisian Associates –Divine Providence District, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia
The Children prayer Dear Jesus, you who are such a great friend of children, we want to pray for the beatification of Jean-Marie de la Mennais. For he, too, loved little children so much! Indeed, it is for them that he founded two teaching Congregations of Brothers and Sisters to make you known and loved, both at school and elsewhere Dear Jesus, we love Jean-Marie de la Mennais: he is our good and wise Father. We ask you to do us a favour so that one day we may be able to invoke him as a Blessed and as a Saint. This will thus be for us an invitation to become saints, in turn as he will be protecting us even more. AMEN |
Several Provinces and Districts also publish a special booklet on this occasion.

Participants in the Jean de la Mennais Provincial Chapter– Canada-USA-Mexico at La Prairie in November
+ Jean- de la Mennais Province – Mexico-USA-Canada. Coordination is provided by Bro Robert Smyth.

Saint John Paul II School in Mbugangali, Rwanda, November 2019 Photo via Bro. Habimana Damien
+ St Jean-Baptiste Province – England-France. The booklet is composed by the provincial team and Bro Louis Le Guichet
+ La Casa Generalizia, Rome, Italy. The booklet is produced by Bro Hervé Asse.
RESOURCES ON LINE to live the Great Novena
Videos, songs, texts, cartoon, pictures, poster… >>>
Bro Dino de Carolis, postulator of the Cause, proposes a specific document for this Great Novena, to be found on the website in the PRAYER section.
« This year the Novena coincides with the bicentenary of the foundation of the two Congregations » explains Bro Dino, especially the one of the Brothers of Christian Instruction. Now that the Cause is entering a decisive phase, let us multiply our efforts of prayer and closeness to our Founders, especially Jean Marie.
We all desire that the Father de La Mennais be recognised as “Blessed” by the Church, as “a model of fidelity to the Church and patron of our Christian schools” (traditional prayer). At the same time we are called to open a new page, which updates the time of grace of the foundation.
Our Founders responded to a call from the Holy Spirit. And they accepted to walk like Abraham, not knowing where they were going, guided only by the Holy Spirit.»
Intentions of prayer
+. That an authentic devotion to Father de la Mennais be developed.
+. For the healing of persons recommended to God through the intercession of the Founder
Recommended persons
Spain: Bro Joaquín Blanco (Bilbao)Bolivia: Yeisa Mano Urquiza, professor in San Borja
France: Gérard Dufour, Bro Bob Léaustic, Bro Daniel Bouche, Madame Armelle Galisson,
Italy: Claudio, Casa di Maria, Castel Gandolfo
Elena, mother of two children, Frederico,
Rachele, 11 years old,
Canada: Roger Lefebvre, age 73, Dolbeau.
Ian Juneau, 8, La Prairie.
Mexico: Yolanda Camo Gonzalez, age 38. Huatusco
Señora Libia Cecilia Lopez Melchior, age 47.
Uganda: Catalina Nante
U.S.A. Mgr George Murry, Youngstown, Ohio
Clayton Paradis, Waterville, Maine,
Tahiti: Mr. David Poirier, (New Zealand).
Mr. Saminadame Jean
News of the JM Mennais Cause
The documents of the Rennes trial related to the healing of Josette Poulain, in Combourg, at the clinic of the Daughters of Providence, in the 1950s, were handed over to the Congregation of the Causes of Saints in Rome, by Bro Dino de Carolis, Postulator and Bro Michel Bouvais, Vice-postulator, on 14th October .

In Rome, at the Congregation of the Cause of the Saints, the secretary to the left and the Bros Dino de Carolis and Michel Bouvais.
The request for the official opening of the documents gathered by the Diocesan Tribunal of Rennes, was given to the Prefect of the Congregation, Cardinal Becciu.

Place St Pierre in Rome, Bros Michel BOUVAIS, vice-postulator, left, and Dinos DE CAROLIS, postulator.
The answer will be communicated shortly. We can then open the file which will then allow the Postulator to write the official Positio. It will include documents from the first and second phases of the trial, as well as the story of the healing of young Josette Poulain and a brief biography of the Founder. When everything is ready, the Positio will be printed and presented to the Congregation which will transmit it to the Doctors of the Consultation.
«That’s where we are right now»
Let us intensify our prayer, especially during this great Novena in November, that our Founder may be beatified, and that a new page may be opened for the Mennaisian Congregations of the Brothers and the Daughters of Providence.