Final clap in joy for the 2nd Edition of La Mennais Day in Vitré. Sainte Marie Secondary School organized on Tuesday, January 24th , a Mennaisian Day for all students from the 1st to 4th form. Famous speakers, more than 6 hours live and a very positive result at the end of this day. “Our goal was for the 1,040 students at the College to come out of this day having learned something about the spirit of the Founder of the Brothers, the theme of the year of the Mennaisian Network – Witness to hope – and the origin of their College. We have achieved our goal,” said Corentin Ogier, Assistant in School Ministry. Explanations
“Reveal yourself!” François Péron, Youth delegate of the Mennaisian Network and President of the Summer Educational Association opened the day before the 3rd form students with a testimony around brotherhood and commitment, two important values for Jean Marie de la Mennais.
Through several anecdotes and in response to many questions from the students, he shared his experience and his commitments by inviting the students to reveal the best of themselves.
Access to water and Solidarity actions
He then gave way to Brother Yannick Houssay, Provincial of France of the Brothers La Mennais of Ploërmel and former Superior General of the Congregation. He shared his experiences in the various Countries of the World and the Solidarity Actions that the NGO Assific carries out on a daily basis. These are the projects of this NGO that the students of Sainte Marie support each year during the Solidarity Meal.

Bro Yannick Houssay testified about the joy of being a Brother and the presence of the Brothers in 26 Countries on 5 Continents.
“Discovering their city of Vitré from Mennaisian History and Roots” was the theme in the afternoon, with the 6th intervention of Denis Chevrel, “Tutelle Delegate” and then André Goussé, former Deputy Head of the College and passionate about the History of our Institution in Vitré. The testimonies gave way to a great game to discover the different places that preceded the current implantation of Saint Mary.

Denis Chevrel, « Tutelle Delegate”, spoke to the young people of the college. «You are heirs of a History».
Finally, it was a Mennaisian figure who closed the day in front of the students of the 5th form. Claire Lehugeur has been a School Teacher and Holiday Director for many years for the Mennaisian Summer Association.

Claire Lehugeur. “To Hope? To know that the day will rise despite the difficulties”.