INTERNET. A new website for the Province of Nuestra Señora del Pilar: Chile, Bolivia, Spain


The new version of the website of the Province of Nuestra Señora del Pilar has been launched! Large photos welcome the visitor on the opening of the site and the various parties present the realities of identity, history and Mennaisian teams of the three countries, educational activities and schools, activities and pastoral resources, organization and the calendar.

The theme of the year “Throw yourself! “Is detailed and you can follow one after another the recent reports: the preparation of a youth meeting, the anniversary of the Province, sending Bro. Natxo to a mission. Video resources and the review Communion are also online and OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAconnect with Instagram and social networks.

Congratulations to the team gathered around Alfonso Blázquez which realised a work that highlights the actions and the energy of the Provincial personnel.

Discover the new website right now: