“I was invited and welcomed”

An invitation received, a first contact, and subsequent meetings.

Initial relationships are important.

3 + Photo J'ai été invité A

“I start my first steps, but I feel good, I feel accepted as I am and I am learning to accept others with their differences. ”

“Invited by a friend to meetings, I was attracted by the welcome of the group. The content of the discussions, simplicity, spirituality and contemplation convinced me to continue the process until the engagement. ”

” One day  the Brothers’ cook came to me and asked me if I wanted to participate in their meetings. I said yes. I said to myself: it is there where God wants me. ”

” I received a warm welcome and I feel in communion. ”

” I receive joy and peace with the group. “



Laity, men and women | A Family . . . Mennaisian | “I was invited and welcomed” | To form a group | Young People | International Commission of the Mennaisian FamilyPublications |